Kaminaka, M. Stephen  

Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering


16 evaluations

BRAE 121

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Professor Kaminaka can make the course material very confusing for the students. The final will kick you in the ass. There was multiple choice and tool ID, and some of the tools that were on the final we have never used or seen before. Make sure you actually read the textbook thoroughly if you want an A. However, there is a ton of text material so good luck. The labs were pretty easy. The students basically help each other all quarter but you're on your own for the final... I would not recommend this professor.

BRAE 133

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
made things harder than they really were.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
He doesn't make the material clear

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Dr. Kaminaka is very knowledgable and friendly. He is easily approachable when a student is having problems with the coursework. I enjoyed his BRAE 133 class very much.

Required (Major)
Dec 2001
Dr. Kaminaka may not be the absolute best, or most interesting teacher I've ever had, but he has a great attitude, which goes a long way. He is fair in his grading, and always willing to talk with the students about the class. I would recommend him to anyone.

Required (Major)
Mar 2003
I enjoyed Kaminaka's class. He sometimes overexplained topics and made them seem confusing when they were really actually simple. I enjoyed actually learning how to draw and various drawing techniques in his class. He is enthusiastic about the topic, but can get a little boring. He assignes a fair amount of work, but it is easy to get behind if you slack off like I did. Luckily though, he accepts late work.

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Kaminaka is a great teacher. I enjoyed his class a lot. It was a lot for work but if you are able to get all of them done, it's an easy A. His assignments are pretty challenging. He gets very creative, and some require a lot of thinking. He is pretty strict in grading, but all you have to do is follow instructions. He is very approachable and willing to help you. Ask questions if you don't understand anything. He gives a lot of time to turn in labs. I learned a lot in that class including some history of drafting. He is a great teacher. It requires a lot of work but you can pull it of. Take him if u have a chance.

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Kaminaka... well seeing as how its inevitable you will need to take him couple of times as a brae major, you will need to get used to him. He is a nice guy who is a little scatter brained. He is super smart, but sometimes cannot relate to his students. Overall, he is a teacher who cares about the students in BRAE. Drafting is gonna be bitch no matter what, its just one of those classes you need to prepare you for autocad. Kaminaka really gets you to put time and precision into your work. He may grade a little harsh, but I don't think anyone actually failed 133. I would not reccoment him for 151, Kelly is better. But good old kam isnt going anywhere

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Not very clear at all.

Required (Major)
Mar 2008
Kaminaka understands all sorts of things about drafting, there is no doubt about it, but his ability to convey his knowledge to students is limited. Nothing more can be said.

Required (Major)
Apr 2010
kaminaka although he may confuse you or waste class time, is an overall good teacher. he truly cares about his students and helps them in every way he can.

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Kaminaka tries so hard to be funny, that its pretty funny. Most of his jokes are about beer for some reason. When he lectures something to the whole class, it can be pretty confusing. But once he's done, catch him will he's walking around and he will explain it a lot better. His assignments are easy and his grading isn't extremely strict. He's a really nice a friendly guy. I would recommend him for this course.

BRAE 151

Required (Major)
Apr 2003
Dr. K is the sickest brae teacher i have had. His assignments might be frustrating at the start, but he is very approachable and helpful. If you aren't a complete tool, pulling off an A is quite do-able. Just complete all your assignments and ask lots of questions. I recommend him for any class you can get with him.

BRAE 234

Required (Support)
Sep 1999
Dr. K is kinda' scatter-brained, assignments are vague as well as due dates. He brings up some interesting tidbits of knowlage during the course but its all pretty disorganized and unrelated. So kick back and relax for a required course where you learn nothing important.

BRAE 348

General Ed
Apr 2013
One of the worst professors I've had at Poly (and you know I'm not lying because I did end up with an A). I am really interested in renewable energy so I was excited to take this class. However, Kaminaka failed to teach me anything worthwhile. His presentation of the material was very poor and it was next to impossible to study for the tests. The good news: All quizes and tests are open note/book and he gives full credit for all activities and news articles as long as you turn them in completed and follow instructions. I wouldn't take him, but this class isn't offered very often so it might be your only chance. Good luck!

SCM 588

Nov 2016
Fuck this guy. Id like to stick my tounge up his ass.