Dakhlallah, Kassim  



42 evaluations

ECON 200

General Ed
Apr 2006
Great instructor, i wish he still teaching there

ECON 201

General Ed
Nov 2003
This was the worst class I have ever taken! He must be the most boring teacher on the planet. He says the exact same things 8 times in one class and will occasionally change the wording. His pace is extremely slow. If you've had high school econ, this should be real easy. The tests were not that bad and homework was easy. If everybody does bad, there is some curve to the tests. He grades on attendence to try and make people go to the class. However, I must emphasize the boredom...the first day of class he taught us how to do slope. Again, Worst Class Ever!!

General Ed
Dec 2003
Ah Dahklallah...this guy is a moron! He lectures straight from slides that came from the book and frankly makes them more confusing than they are worth. He told us the very first day that if we came to class, studied, and read the book that we would do very well...I did those things and when the first midterm came around I was lost. I don't know where he got his questions from, but they weren't from his lectures or the book...infact some of them had nothing to do with what we were studying. The average on our first test was in the 60's which he thought was fine. He is horrible at answering student questions...half the time you can't even finish your question before he starts answering a question that you weren't even asking...and the last shitty thing about Dahklallah is that 15% of your grade is participation which means that you have to go to class and listen to is boring monotone lectures and TRY to stay awake, when you could be home "learning" twice as much from the book in half of the time.

Required (Support)
Dec 2003
I HATE THIS GUY... HATE HATE HATE him. In my three years at calpoly i have never had a teacher this bad.. i dont even know where to start. 1st. He cant speak english 2nd. He does not like to have class discusion 3rd. He cant speek engligh 4th. He thinks he ownes the world and students are just there to bother him. 5th... and the bigest one he doesnt not do i damn thing to teach the class. He shows up to class puts a CD in the computer (the one that is provided by the publisher of the book) and pushes the clicker.... Thats all he does. He doesnot prepare any of his own material even the exams are from the published of the book. If you say one word to your nehibor he flips out and stops class and tells you how this is not a starbucks and all this bs. If you hAVE to take this class then make sure you go the web site in the book. I did not find this untill the end of class, and it explains everything u need to know with videos. I went into the class with two previous econ classes which where above this one and came out with a C because he does not teach anything thats on the test. Please Do Not Take This Class

Required (Support)
Feb 2004
This man was by far the worst teacher I have ever had in my entire life. His lectures consist of word for word explainations from the book and his tests have not a thing to do with the book. He doesnt make anything clear in fact he just confuses you, even if you read the book and understand it his lectures will just make you confused. DONT TAKE THIS COURSE!!! This man was a fucking moron.

Feb 2004
Honestly, the first day of class, I thought this class would be easy; I thought this guy would be fairly easy to please. I was actually almost excited to learn about Econ... well, I'm still eager to learn about Econ, infact, more so, from a different instructor who can actually teach, because I have yet to learn anything. At first, I felt bad for the guy, because in class, people would talk shit about him while he was down there lecturing. I figured, he probably just doesn't do well in big lectures. That mentallity soon left me. He is unorganized, unoriginal, and EXTREMELY redundant. Most of the time he can't answer students' questions in class, or refuses to, as if the questions throw him off. He gets distracted easily; if he hears people whispering or snickering, (in a damn 300 person lecture!) he will stop class for half an hour and insist that whoever it was that was talking inturrupted not only his train of thought but the attention of the class, and he will refuse to continue till that person speaks up or leaves. If you have option of taking this class in the morning, don't worry about going, because the only difference between going to class and staying home is the comfort of your bed as you're sleeping.

General Ed
Mar 2004
A trained monkey could have done a better job teaching the class! First, I think it is inappropriate to expect students to pay over 100 bucks on books for a general ed class. Our books were expensive because they came with pre-fabricated powerpoint presentations used by the instructor. Therefore, all he did was read powerpoint presentations that he did not write himself. He actually grades attendance, which I think is a joke if you're in college. However, go to class and read the material yourself because that is the only way you will learn it. (Be sneaky though because he will actually stop class and comment on your lack of participation). I usually try to be fair when judging a professor's ability, but this guy is so clueless and needs some type of consultation. You would be advised to take someone else.

Mar 2004
Ok you know its bad when your professor doesent pronounce his own name. This guy sucked. Yes, i do think that his class was easy because he covered the same shit every day. The midterms are fair but you need to go over your notes, the study guide and the internet site. His final is impossible. He makes it 40% more than the midterms and makes every problem a math problem. It took me all 3 hours to do 100 questions! Plus all of the math based stuff, we covered for about 5 miniutes. Extremly unfair! When you talk in class, he will stop it to inform you that he is being interupted and cannot teach. Let me remind you this is in the giant lecture hall. The homework does not have to be right, but he takes an hour to go over it. I think in the end we were 6 chapters behind. Take at your own risk cause he will leave your butt bleading! Oh yeah 22 ounces of coffee is the only way to stay awake in the class.

General Ed
Mar 2004
This is the most ridiculous teacher I have ever had. He came half an hour late the first day with no syllabus, no roll sheet and no lecture. There were 250 people in the class and he took roll at least once every 2 weeks, reading first, middle and last names. He stopped lecture routinely when he heard someone whisper, once for a full 20 minutes. All these giant wastes of time in at 8 am when he's not really teaching anyway. His lectures were straight out of the book, so going to class would be totally pointless if he didn't take roll. This wasn't a hard class, but if you want to learn anything and avoid a miserable 2 hours start to your day, take someone else.

General Ed
Mar 2004
Did not present the materials clearly, often repeated himself lecture after lecture. I couldn't understand half of what he said and he often made mistakes where the students corrected him. He did not seem to do well with a such a large class, probably would've done better in much smaller group. Bottom line: Do not take this class if you do not need to!

General Ed
Mar 2004
Dakhlallah, his class, his homework and his tests are an abysmal waste of time. He should be fired. He is one of the reasons why the buisness department at Cal Poly is widely considered a 'joke' amongst the other colleges. He is a sad excuse for an econ professor, and I am disgusted that I had to waste my valuable time attending this worthless class. After showing up a half hour late from the first day of class, Dakhlallah showed a disgusting level of organization. His lectures were straight from pre-canned website power-point presentations. The homework was useless and easy. Don't buy the "student workbook." It's a waste of money, and you wont get anything from it. I never opened it once, and sold it back for a whopping $3 (after buying it for $30). I never say this about instructors, but this is one you honestly do *not* need to show up for class for. The book is fairly succinct, and the website is even better. If you do the practice quizzes on the website, you will do wonderfully on the tests. Perhaps the most distracting thing of Dakhlallah was his intolerance for talking. Several times he shut down the class for a period of half an hour when he heard someone whispering, in a class of no less than 250 people. One time he even threw someone out for laughing! I couldn't believe it. Jesus professor. Get real, and don't waste my time. Overall, a very very poor instructor, and one I expect won't last too long, if he's not tenured. I hope they do let him go. I'm sure there are plenty of other wannabie econ professors who would do a much better job than this guy.

General Ed
Mar 2004
AWESOME CLASS!!! and by awesome i mean the easiest A you will ever get... you never have to go to class, just read the book and you have yourself the easiest A at college. The guy is an idiot but who gives a shit, easy A's are hard to come by. If you dont want to show and want to get a good grade, dont be afraid of this guy

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
Dakhlallah was the worst teacher I have ever had in my entire life! First off, he came to class the first day late without even a sylabus. His lectures come right from the book which would be a plus, however, he takes roll in a class of 250 so you have to go! He is also ridiculously repetitive! Another thing that is frustrating is that his English is sometimes hard to understand. He is also obsessive about quietness. If he hears someone even whispering, he

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
Dakhlallah is a MORON! As others have said, his lectures consist entirely of powerpoints from the book, therefore if you sit down and read the book you dont need to pay attention in class, but you do need to go. Attendance and homework are part of the grade. He is sure to spend at least an hour of class fumbling with the computers, taking roll or reviewing the homework. He was often late and was even a half hour late for our second midterm. This class is really easy if you read the book and review the quizes from the book's website. Dont pay attention in class, it will only confuse you.

General Ed
Apr 2004
Horrible teacher. I seriously think if he took the GED, he would fail. He is an idiot. His lectures are just the powerpoint presentation that comes with the book. He has no idea what he is talking about. I don't think I learned a single thing in his class. ECON is common sense to me. He has no common sense. I think he bought his PHD on ebay. He takes attendance and collects homework. He even managed to screw up grading a scantron test. He doesn't even know how to use a projector, copier, or light switch, seriously. He teaches at Cal Poly, with smart rooms, and is afraid of technology. The class was an easy 'A'. You won't learn anything, but it is a nice GPA boost, but be careful, he grades on a curve.

Jul 2004
Great class, Great book and the instrcutor is fair

General Ed
Jul 2004
He is strict about attendance, but he is easy going. He gets excited lot of times to keep us alert. He gets intimidated when students ask him questions; it is like he does not like students to ask him, but when he answers he elaborates a lot to the point that we get more confused. I believe he is a great instructor

Nov 2004
He goes on and on, but he makes the material so clear

General Ed
Dec 2004
He is really bad. His lectures are so dry and unexciting. You will very likely snooze in class. At least this class is easy to do well in even though this class is pretty worthless. Nevertheless, avoid him if you can.

Jan 2005
Moderated Comment
I think he got fired because he was so terrible.

Apr 2005
Now, I knew how valuable this professor is

Required (Major)
May 2006
He is the greatest teacher I ever had. He simplifies everything and relates the material to real life events. He is simple and knows the subject. I highly recommend him

ECON 210

Required (Major)
May 2006
Best of the Best. It was for him that I got my internship to the White house

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Great professor, straight and to the point

ECON 221

Required (Support)
Oct 2003
I'm currently taking his class right now. He's lectures are basic and straight forward, which doesnt seem right because he expects a great deal from his students. The homework is easy, but i think he's going to rip us all on the midterms and the exams.

Required (Support)
Jan 2004
I would not recommend taking Dakhlallah for Econ 221. As others have said, all he does to lecture is to read off powerpoint slides that are taken word for word from the book. After a couple weeks I stopped taking notes and wound up better off, although he gets pissed off if he sees to many people not taking notes. He can sometimes make some of the material confusing. Don't count on him answering one of your questions: he rarely understood what people were asking and usually someone else from the class would explain the answer to him. He takes attendance just about every day and that is factored into your grade. His tests included some questions that were on material I had never heard of before, but since most people do poorly, he does curve. He also gives weekly homework assignments that are fairly easy. If you go to class and read the book you should have a fairly good chance of doing well, although you'd definitely be better off with another teacher.

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
He doesn't teach! Everything comes directly from the powerpoints that come with your book. Good luck on the tests, his lecture is so general it is impossible to figure out the problems he gives on the exams. He doesn't even give any instruction on how to do problems, he just outline each chapter. HE SUCKS!

Required (Support)
Apr 2004
Man, what a clown this guy was. He'd read right from some powerpoint presentation that was made by the book!! I seriously even doubt he has a clue what economics is all about. When it comes to economics, I know my shit, but his tests.....UGH! He'd say "I put 10 very very hard questions on there to find the very very good economists. If you get these right, then we'll talk about you majoring in economics." What a jackass. Those 10 questions were impossible to get right unless you're a lucky guesser. My advice: Get a new teacher. DO NOT take this professor.

Required (Support)
May 2004
Honestly, I learned two things in this class. First, that Cal Poly does not screen their teachers or put up any type of interview before hiring. Second, is getting a PHD is not all that difficult if you go to the right graduate school. Every powerpoint slide he puts up says 2004 Copyright Thompson and Learning, meaning he doesn't make his slides. Then his tests he sends in for them from the company. Reason I know is someone asked a question during the test and he didn't understand the Enlgish and of the question. Not only that he is a very stupid man, he honestly a feable minded, non english speaking idiot. People ask questions after getting midterms back and he CAN"T ANSWER them, he doesn't understand the language or the topic. Overall, he's the worst TEACHER not person I've ever had.

General Ed
Jun 2004
Professor Dakhlallah is probably the worst teacher I have had at Poly. He doesn't teach the material, just basically reads the book to you, and terribly at that. He spent four class periods talking about the SAME graph. He kept saying, if you understand this graph, you will get an A in the class. It didn't happen. He thought that a salon was a saloon and kept laughing about that one class period. The most boring lecturer.

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Dr. Dakhlallah is fair and knows the subject very well, I learned a great deal from him and I strongly recommend him.

Jul 2004
OH My God..., If he is so bad, why his classes are full to maximum capacity. I really really enjoyed his class. If you do the HW's and you attend, then you should do good in the class. He is very fair and very friendly and knows the material very very well. I really recomment him

Required (Support)
Aug 2004
ok im all for the afirmative action thing, but if the person can't speak english well for a LECTURE class, then he shouldn't be teaching. he was 55 minutes late the first day of class to start. he takes role everyday (lame). the tests are hard and he puts trick questions on them. i would never recommmend this guy to anyone. the best one is he says "very much" like 500 times a day. when he teaches he acts like he is just learning the material as well. cal poly must be desperate to hire this guy. good luck.

Required (Support)
Aug 2004
Umm...Prof. Dakhlallah (i think i spelled it right) is a nice guy but not that great of a teacher. He always showed up late to class too which was very unprofessional like. I remember the first day he didnt show up until 9:50 for a 9:10 class. Kinda embarassing eh?? But anyways his teaching style also lacks luster. His lectures are strictly powerpoint presentations and i can remember several days when he couldnt start up the computer so his lectures basically failed. If you do end up taking this guy you should go to class because 10% of your grade is attendance which is good and bad. The tests are the worst part. 2 midterms 1 final each 100 MC Questions long. They are extremely monotous and repetitive. I'm not sure but i think on the final he made 25 questions and asked them each about 4 times!!hahaha!!!its insane!!Hey but he does curve quite a bit so there is hope.

Required (Support)
Oct 2004
This is the worst guy in the whole damn world. I would fall asleep everyday. Staying awake is not an option. His tests are not what he lectures on. There is some homework which isn't bad. I hated this mother fucker. Do not take him. Avoid at all costs. Plus he is hard to understand.

General Ed
Feb 2005
I really enjoyed his class. I learned a lot and what I learned helped me in my internship. He knows the subject really well, and he is a great professor

General Ed
Feb 2005
He is my favorite Professor

ECON 222

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
hard to understand sometimes. I feel smarter than him sometimes. The key to this class, is do bad on the first test and gradually get better grades on the following test. There are two midterms and 1 final. But yea, he has this theory that if your tests grades gradually get better, he'll give you a higher grade, which makes sense, BUT not when you do well on the test most of the time, and your test grades kind of decline by a cpl percent. THen he'll give you the lower grade. In class, i felt smarter than him. He always says "ask questions" and when the class does, he doesnt know the answer. His test are most repetitive things ever! You'll see almost an identical question 2-3 times on the test. If you dont mind learning on your own, then you should take the class. The book is good so its very possible to learn on your own and ace his test. The class is not hard, he is just REALLY BORING, so try to avoid him if you can!

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
best teacher ever

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
i think it was my very good luck that i attended dr dakhalla classes he is one of the best teachers who knows what they are doing. i wish him best of lucks.

GEOG 329

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Nov 2016
I learned that if I were to take up hunting, I should shoot deer, not bears, because a bear will hunt me back if I successfully wound it. Fascinating! I didnt know that the key to production and operations management was so brutally simple!

ECON 337

Required (Support)
Feb 2005
His tests were impossible, but at least he let you use a sheet of notes. He is hard to understand and always picked on me. He had no control over the class, but tried to by taking attendance after the break. But at least I met my boyfriend in his class.

Nov 2006
After reading what others have said I concluded there are sick and racist people around who no matter what will say bad things. Let me give you inside information, those students are rich and spoiled, their parents' money did not get them to UC Santa Barbra or to UC Berkley. Now they are at Calpoly with revenge I had his class and I really enjoyed it and I got an A.