Fiorenza, Giancarlo  

Art and Design


17 evaluations

ART 111

General Ed
Dec 2010
Professor Fiorenza has been one of my favorite professors here at Cal Poly. He explains all of the information very clearly. There are three tests that are lecture-based and you will do very well if you go to class. His passion for the subject makes his lectures interesting and fun to attend. I would highly recommend this professor -- he is fair and just overall a good guy!

General Ed
Feb 2011
SUPER EASY CLASS! simply go the lectures, take good notes, review your notes and you will get an A. There is no need to read the book or even purchase it. This class is pretty interesting especially if you have been to Italy or plan on going... The renaissance section was very interesting. THe lectures for the most part were boring but if you want an easy class take this!

General Ed
Feb 2011
Definitely love this professor; he is hilarious and while the lectures are long and can occasionally be tedious, he tries to break it up with jokes and stories. The midterms (3) are easy if you take notes and do some of the reading. He puts a study guide up online at the beginning of the quarter so you can print it out and fill it in during class as many people did. Personally I found that taking notes in class then reading over the parts he tells you to in lecture was enough so there's no need to go crazy and do all of the reading. I read everything and way over studied, as did everybody, for the first midterm and got a 100 on it and toned my studying down for the second and third midterm and still got 100s. There is no final in this class, just the third midterm during dead week. You get to watch several movies in this class which is fun and he asks the class questions and is very nice because most of the time there is no 'right' answer and he makes you elaborate which is really helpful for understanding what's happening. The midterms are scantron and he puts the first part of the test, painting/sculpture/building identification, on the projector and gives you about two to three mins to answer each before going to the next slide. He is very nice if you need more time on a slide but it's the kind of thing you either get immediately or not and I never had any problem with him changing the slide too quickly. The second part of the midterms are on the sheet that has the questions from both part one and two. About thirty to forty questions so it's definitely worth taking extra care on each question as there aren't many. I really enjoyed this class and didn't mind that it was two hours of lecture. I recommend him for this fine arts GE!

General Ed
Mar 2011
Very interesting and easy course. Teacher is super nice and clearly knows a ton about the material. I would recommend this class to anyone.

General Ed
May 2011
Fiorenza is one of the most passionate teachers at Poly! Such a wonderful class!

General Ed
Mar 2012
Take him! He's super friendly and passionate about his teaching! You have to go to his lectures to see what will be on the test. His lectures are interesting! He gives helpful study guides. So far, only three tests on multiple choices. Super easy!

General Ed
Nov 2012
Very straightforward class, easy to understand. He is very passionate about the subject. You do NOT need to purchase the book as long as you come to class and pay attention. The tests are very fair. Overall a great teacher, great class, easy A as long as you put in the time and effort.

General Ed
Nov 2012
Giancarlo is a super nice guy who is very passionate about Art and tries to make the subject as interesting as possible for his class. The lectures are long, but he tries to break them up, gives us breaks, and tells stories. His tests are pretty easy, just look at the study guides online and you will be fine. Don't buy the book, I never used it. Dr. Fiorenza's class is definitely a good choice for a G.E. If anything.. his name is Giancarlo Fiorenza. Does it get any better for an Art professor?

General Ed
Dec 2012
Professor Fiorenza rocks! Even though art class was from 8 to 10 pm at night every day, it was my favorite class to go to and I looked forward to it. You don't need to buy the book if you go to really don't need to do anything as long as you GO TO CLASS. All you have to do is go to class and pay attention in lectures, and you'll get a good grade. 3 tests, all lecture-based, if you pay any degree of attention in class you'll learn a lot and be able to get A's on all the tests. He is really really nice and his lectures are super interesting - I've never been interested in art before but I learned so much and I enjoyed it a lot! Definitely an amazing teacher, one of the best teachers I've ever had.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Professor Fiorenza is great. It's a straight-forward and easy class. If you go to class everyday you wil get a B- or so. If you do a little studying you'll get an A. He makes art history fun and interesting and is a great in class. Definitely recommend

General Ed
Feb 2013
This guy has the easiest tests ever. You just need to study the examples he gives you for a little bit and you should have no problem. Don't really have to go to class. Grade is 3 tests and they are all easy.

General Ed
Dec 2013
Mr. Fiorenza is a really nice guy who is VERY passionate about art!! He often lets class out early. While the subject matter was not super interesting to me, he does make an effort to make it interesting for students. His class is fairly easy, you don't really need to do the readings (or even buy the textbook... I've never opened mine) as long as you pay attention during class. Tests are short and multiple choice, if you paid attention during class they should be easy. First test I paid attention to each lecture, hardly studied, and got an A. Second test I was on tumblr pretty much every day in class, tried to study, and got a C. So as long as you pay attention you are set. Easy A if you just PAY ATTENTION

General Ed
Jan 2014
It's not his fault he teaches arguably the most boring topic in the entire world. I had the hardest time staying awake. Keep in mind this IS NOT AN ART CLASS. It is an art history class. Overall, his tests were super easy. I only studied the night before for 1-2 hours and got all As on them. I would recommend making a choice: either buy the book to cram the night before the test, or don't buy the book and listen during lecture. I borrowed my friend's book and that worked out great. He is a very nice and passionate teacher.

General Ed
Feb 2014
This class takes the cake for the EASIEST class offered at cal poly! So it usually is a 2 hour lecture, but every other week he lets you out 45 min early. Don't but the book, you do not need it. Just go to class, be able I recognize artist names and know the handful of art techniques he goes over distinctly in lecture and you are set! Do not spend more than 1 or 2 hours studying for his tests the night before, that's 2 hours you will never get back! Take him for an easy A and just go to class.

ART 212

Mar 2013
Professor Fiorenza is awesome. Interesting lecturer, fair grader. Easy and interesting class to take as an elective, I had a great experience.

ART 371

General Ed
Jan 2012
Professor Fiorenza is great. Friendly guy, easy grader, interesting lectures. Tests are all writing-based, but as long as you write something coherent that remotely resembles what you talked about in lecture, you will get at least a B. Not a bad option for a GE.

VS 486

General Ed
Nov 2016
he sure does like his women, wet!!