Gay, Larry  

Industrial Technology


9 evaluations

IT 324

Graduate Student
General Ed
Feb 2004
This dude is soooo gay

IT 327

Required (Major)
Nov 2002
This guy flat out sucks! He has no passion for teaching. His tests are completely ridiculous (I don't even think he writes them). Everyone does so poorly on the tests that as a result, maybe 30% of the class attends on a regular basis. In addition, people stopped reading and even studing due to how pointless it was. He has a very cocky attitude, and even when he's blatently wrong, he won't admit to it. Hey Gay-- if you are reading this, all you are is an old piece of shit who's going to die miserable.

IT 330

Required (Support)
Jun 2001
Dr. Gay can be intimidating at first but after a couple weeks you realize hes a cool guy that wants to help you out. The class consists of morning quizzes on prior reading, 3 midterms and a final thats not cumulative. just make sure you read the book and go to class and you should do fine.

Required (Major)
Jan 2002
Dr. Gay is a smart guy who doesn't like to be challened, even if he is wrong. Class time is wasted for the most part, as he mostly just talks about stories and random parts of packaging. Make sure you do the reading before class because there are pop quizes almost every day of class. About notes, you should probably just forget it... he talks fast and passes through the material too fast to get anything written down. Remember he likes students who sit in the "A-T" (front and middle rows)

Required (Support)
Apr 2002
His last name pretty much summarizes the class. Try not to take him.

IT 341

General Ed
Dec 2004
Dr. Gay is a RIOT!!!! this guy cracks me up! lecture was all over the place - he tells you not to buy the book - so you don't have anything to reference for test besides your notes. His tests are totally random and include info that he most def never went over in class but if you have questions about something on the test he pretty much gives you the answer... He ends up curving all the tests big time so it is really easy to get an A! He is just a funny, random, old retired man who loves Industrial Technology!

IT 375

Dec 2002
Dr. Gay is a genuinely good guy once you get to realize his sense of humor. I've been taking his classes for a couple of years now and he obviously knows his stuff and has years of hands on experience. I think he's a great teacher when it comes down to it.

IT 409

Required (Major)
May 2002
IT 409 was one of the most rewarding classes I've ever taken. We went on field trips every week to genuinely interesting places. I learned the most from these field trips. I also had him for 330 and it wasn't nearly as good. In 330 it seemed like he didn't care and was a bit on the boring side. 409 however was a completely different. I really grew to respect and appreciate what he's done for me and all IT students. I'm really looking forward to my next class with him. Tests are pretty basic(but they can be tricky) consisting of multiple choice/TF. He always gives you a chance for extra credit too, just go see him at office hour.

ASTR 566

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Missed the first day, went to the second day. Went to the midterm. Went to the Final. Three days of class total. I got a B, easy. This kind of shit gives our school a bad name.