Evans, Emmit  

Political Science


179 evaluations

POLS 110

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
For his Pols 110 class, he assigns one report, which is shirt and grades fairly easily. It was worth 20% in my class, and a bunch got the full credit. His tests are multiple choice. He does a good job of stressing what will be on the tests too.

Required (Major)
Jun 1999
If you really want to know how corrupt our political system is, take this class!! You will be blown away! Evans is a good teacher but be ready for a lot of notes.

General Ed
Aug 1999
I thouroughly enjoyed prof Evans' POLS110 class... so much so that I am considering changing my major to POLS. It was an eye-opener. Evans is a cool-cat. If you studied, the class was cake. I would recommend the class highly!

General Ed
Mar 2000
Evans knows his material very well. As long as you go to class all the time and do the reading which is really short, you should get a real high grade. Also, everything is scantron, which made it very easy if you know the material.

General Ed
Jun 2000
If you like to go to class, this is the class for you. His tests are based 50% on his lectures. If you go to class, take notes and read what little readings there are, you'll be in range for an easy A.

General Ed
Jun 2000
Bud Evans is very enthusiastic about his subject material but the way he presents the material can be confusing. The work load is pretty light and overall the class isn't that difficult. However I don't advise taking it any earlier than 10 because you will fall asleep.

General Ed
Jun 2000
What a boring class! Click the mouse, watch a new screen pop up, show a clip of a video. All he does is repeat himself over and over again. He likes the phrase "in other words" too. Yes, it is in the big silo. Yes, he gives only one short easy term project. But don't be fooled into believing that you can skip reading the book or studying for his midterms. He puts the most minute details on his tests. Statistics is his favorite type of question. He puts about 8 of those on each test out of 40. Maybe it was because I had the class early in the morning, but man did his class seem slow. He did show how corrupt our government was and that was very interesting, but showing a powerpoint presentation and video clips day after day wears a student down. The reading is very light. He gives 3 midterms, and a project. He's not that bad if you can stay awake, but make sure you are willing to force yourself to stay awake if you take his class. Most students I know had no problem getting an A or B. Tt was the staying awake part that was hard.

General Ed
Jun 2000
I was dreading taking this class, I thought it would be about origins of American Politics and how bills are passed in congress etc. Instead you learn how the political system is screwing everyone over, how the founding fathers were selfish, how the constitution was written for the wealthy, how Washington and Adams weren't heros but self serving bastards. This is a great class and I really enjoyed it, the power point presentation was a lot more interesting that reading crap off the board. He takes a lot of interest in this class and I've taken a new liking to politics. He is obessed with statistics and current events (both make up half the midterms) but they are easy to remember. If you watch CNN or any other news, you won't even have to do much newspaper reading.

General Ed
Jul 2000
This class has absolutely nothing to do with political science. His tests include random, extremely picky questions that you could not possibly study for. There is no relevnce to his lectures, like the week long video about farmers markets. If you want to learn anything remotely relevant to the subject get another teacher.

General Ed
Oct 2000
Prof. Evans seems like a fun-loving kind of guy who loves to teach political science. However, the problem is the whole teaching part. The entire class is presented in multimedia form and any questions or issues that come up in class that deviate from his slides, are immediately shot down or redirected towards another slide. I'm not sure if he knows anything about poli sci other than what's on his slides or notes. His tests are very picky, but he makes up for it with an extremely easy paper. I would not recommend this class if you are an opinionated person, or a poli sci major because it will do nothing but frustrate and discourage you. Take everything he says with a grain of salt because its funny how he never sites his sources of information.

General Ed
Nov 2000
He's organized and understands pol. science well. This is not your average Pols class. This class will open your eyes to what really happens behind the scenes; This is not an easy class! You have to thoroughly read the assignments and attend his class. No homework except a couple projects....

General Ed
Dec 2000
This class has nothing to do elections and stuff like that. So if you are thinking that, dont take the class. It is about Growth without Jobs, Increasing Inequality. The homework is really easy but the tests are hard. So if you are prepared to read a bunch and take good notes, then the classs will be alright

General Ed
Dec 2000
He stuck to his powerpoint presentations. That's all that happens in class. He flies through the slides and then test on the smallest details. Do the project (you will probably get 100%) and the two essays (easy). Read the book, that is what saved me. The tests are multiple choice with questions from the CS monitor, book, and lecture. I got two C's and a B on the midterms and ended up with a C in the class, thanks to the project and the essays.

General Ed
Jan 2001
This class is an great introduction to things about politics you never would otherwise know. I reccommend taking this class. Evans has compiled all of this stuff for (from what it seems like) years. It's a good presentation; grading is impersonal and completely objective. Other than that ... good class.

General Ed
Jan 2001
Good ol' Bud is the best teacher I have had at Poly. He is funny to watch and listen to. Hardly any reading and homework, just go to class, and get a B on the midterms and final. He teaches you exactly the problems and the workings of our gov. If you can grab him, do it!

General Ed
Feb 2001
I did not find the material particularly interesting, but Evans presented it in a organized multimedia presentation that at times was interesting. The material for the class is not something I am interested in and studying was a chore, but the tests were fair and if you did the reading and went to class you knew what was on the test. Only one project is required and it is simple.

General Ed
Aug 2001
Though he likes to impose his opinions about politics a lot, if you are open minded and can think liberally, he makes perfect sense and it should be fairly easy to pull off a good grade. His class is extremely well organized. I really recommend his class.

General Ed
May 2002
I tell ya, this guy is just waiting in line to ride the pension pony. He was the worst teacher I've ever had, and I'm a mellow and kind A student. He wasn't available during office hours. I had a pile of family emergencies hit me in three days (nephew needed my blood for surgery in So. Cal., friend dying of cancer, friend dying of AIDS, AND my house was falling out of escrow) and needed to take the final early. I couldn't reach him after repeated attempts, so called him at home. He yelled at me for calling, then hung up on me before I could explain why I called. All this after sitting through the most boring class in the universe.

POLS 112

General Ed
Feb 2002
Note to Self: H-dogg says to take this class at some point.

General Ed
Mar 2002
Bud is a great teacher. More importantly however is the content of his POLS 112 class. Unlike many other sections of this class, this one gives a great view of the extreme corruption of the political system and what you can do about it. After one of his classes it makes you reconsider everything you took for granted about America and the role of government His whole class is on powerpoint, which can be a bit rigid in its presentation, but overall the class is well organized and well taught. There are lots of videos that are a nice break from lecture.

General Ed
Mar 2002
Ok so i dont know what teacher these other people were evaluating, but this is NOT A GOOD TEACHER! He is not helpful, and the class is way too impersonal. Maybe because his only friend is the computer that he spends his whole life making power points on! I dont want to sound like im ragging or ignorant...but seriously...he highlights things on powerpoints such as a whole page for what a cover of a book looks like...or overheads for 2 words he could have just told us! How about real information that we can take notes on! He goes really fast through the power point too! You can get by without going to class once in awhile, but pulling off an A would be impossible, B is well within rage as long as you study and read! However there is no forgiveness for missed information...I asked a student for an assignment question, and they didn't give me the whole question...so i wrote on the wrong subject...and he told me is its not his problem i dont grade the papers, talk to my aid...and finishing it up with you should go to class!! Sometimes people actually have legit reasons to skip class! How would i know the student gave me the incomplete question! Anyways, his class is one-sided and not a good represetation of government...just theories...how about concrete facts!!! Dont take him!!!!!!!!!!!

General Ed
Mar 2002
BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! BUD EVANS!!! What can I say about this class? Two midterms and a final (each worth 20% of your grade), one project that takes about an hour to complete (30% of your grade and almost everyone gets full credit), and two essays (one paragraph long each worth 5% each) on newspaper articles. This class was a breeze, as long as you go to class. Take Bud Evans for POLS 112, please. You won't regret it.

General Ed
Mar 2002
This teacher is horrible. The first day of class he tells us that a mandatory subscription to "Christian Science Monitor" newspaper is required and he exclaimed that CSM is the "most unbiased paper" he's come across. That alone made a bunch of my friends drop the class and the rest got angered by it. Also, the required text + the cost of the newspaper subscription was hideous. To top it off, Bud presents the whole class in Microsoft PowerPoint and never deviates from it to actually teach. He only answers questions that pertain to the PowerPoint presentation. It is amazing that someone who doesn't teach is allowed to teach a GE class to hundreds of people per class. The only good part about Bud is that his class is extremely easy (my friends and I missed about 8 classes and I pulled a B). As long as you do semi-well on each test and ace the project (I spent 2 hours typing it up the day it was due) you should do well. Everyday going to his class, taking notes the whole 2 hours, and listening to his crappy commentary was a horrible experience. I do not reccomend Bud Evans and if you have to take his class I pity you :(.

Apr 2002
Bud Evans is a Liberal who does not allow you to have your own point of view. If you do, don't speak it out, he will hold it against you. You do these things called prince analyzing. I added 3 letters to my title and it made me go from a B to a C in the class and Evans wasn't open at all for discussion, I'm sorry if you gotta take Bud

General Ed
Jun 2002
Evans was a friendly, kind-hearted man that must spend all his free time obsessed with creating his powerpoint presentations. Although these notes are very clear on the overhead, he moves so quickly through the slides that parts are often missed. He was always eager to clarify points for a confused student and explained his tests immediately after the class has finished. I suggest him for those willing to give a little time to doing the readings and projects.

General Ed
Jun 2002
Bud Evans is an awesome professor! He teaches with the aid of PowerPoint and videos wich helps the class go by quicky and makes it more enjoyable, as if that is ever possible. His tests are straight forword and as long as you attend the lectures and do the readings you will do fine. The class is challenging, but after my first year at Cal Poly this was by far my favorite class.

General Ed
Aug 2002
he was pretty good. the first half of the quarter is pretty boring, but the second half was really cool. and of course if you call him anal to his face, like soemone mentioned earlier, he will get mad. would any respectable profesor not get mad? his tests are a little picky. just remember to know the little stats and percentages from the reading and lecture.

General Ed
Sep 2002
This teacher is a liberal ass. Rather than teach relevant material that teaches about politics, he preaches his liberal crap that makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Personally, I found him unappreciative and very offensive. He is so screwed up that he was teaching reverse racism against americans. Afterall,what kind of idiot calls our Founding Fathers morons. It's because of our founding fathers that he can say that kind of crap. Homework wise, there are only a couple of short essays you must write. There is one weekend "slave labor" activity. He also makes you subscribe to the Christian Science Monitor newspaper, which he calls very un-bias (what an idiot). I wouldn't know his grading policy because his TA's do all his work for him. But the TA's grade fairly easy. If you do the assignment, you'll get an A. The tests are also fair and quite easy. If you are a conservative, avoid this professor.

General Ed
Jan 2003
If you want to HATE every day of the quarter, take this class. He likes to pick you out of the 300 student crowd and embarass you. His lectures suck, they are always off topic (this is a political science class--all he talks about is sperm, breast milk, global warming and other random crap). His name is Bud...enough said! good luck, i hope you don't hang yourself.

General Ed
Feb 2003
This guy assigns way too much work. He wanted us to read 300 pages in 2 weeks. All i can say is - hey asshole, i have other more important classes than your little "the world is doomed" Pol class. His entire class is taught using scare tactics, worst of all he is full of shit. "who is watching the watchers?" We are mother fucker, now shut up already someone needs to slap this guy around until he wakes up and learns how to teach. By the way according to Bud Evans the CHRISTIAN science monitor is not biased, in fact acording to Bud Evans it is less biased than anyother news paper. I call bullshit, it is called the CHRISTIAN science monitor for a reason. i thought pol was interesting till i took this class. btw, my friend has a different proffessor and did like 1/4 of the work for teh same class, and didn't have to sit through all this B.S bud forces upon you. DON"T TAKE BUD IF YOU ARE WEAK MINDED HE WILL FUCK WITH YOUR HEAD

General Ed
Feb 2003
This guy is so boring I wanted to poke my eye out every time I went to class, but since about half of the material on the test is from lectures I had to go to all of them. He makes you read SO much and learn tons of statistics that you will never need to know because he puts about 4 statistical things on the test and there is no way of knowing what he will actually put on the test. There are 3 tests (including the final) each worth 20% of your grade. The rest of your grade is made up of two newspaper article assignments and one essay project all three of which are largely graded on following the procedure outlined for the assignment so they can boost your grade if you follow instructions TO THE T. He thinks he is funny, but he isn't and he choses to make "jokes" quite frequently. He will ask the class things that he "taught" earlier in the quarter, but since no one acutally learned these things (but instead happened to guess correctly on the tests-they're multiple choice) the class just sits silently. The way he talks, dress, and acts is SOO annoying...I would recommend finding some other way of fulfilling this GE

General Ed
Mar 2003
If you can help it do not take this teacher. I studied my butt off and did not get the grade to prove it. His leactures are boring and often make no sence. He just reads his power point presentations and does not even teach. On top of all that you have a lot of reading to do, that is hard to understand.

General Ed
Mar 2003
While the validity of Prof. Evans' curriculum can be questioned, the main value his class produced was the hope of eliminating apathy among indifferent college students. His lectures are completely biased, self-serving and completely devoid from the course's subject matter, but if you figure out from the beginning that he is entirely liberal, it will aid you on the tests. He requires a lot of reading, but THE ANSWERS ON THE TESTS ARE USUALLY A REFLECTION OF THE VALUES/BELIEFS HE IS ATTEMPTING TO INSTILL UPON HIS STUDENTS. (i am liberal, but i dont approve of his teaching style) He challenges those to consider their political beliefs and question the American government, which needs to be done at Cal Poly.

General Ed
Mar 2003
This guy surprised me. after reading most of the ratings below, i was expecting hell. This guy was actually pretty good. he was very approachable, has very good power point presentations, which make the class go by faster, and help clear up issues, and adds alittle bit of humor, which probably has a little to do with the fact that he looks like the colonel. he is pretty unbiases, especially for a pols teacher. there is a lot of reading, and a 10 minute break would be nice in the class, but i feel like i learned alot. surprisingly, i would say i am a pretty conservative person, and i still enjoyed this. A lot of reading, but a very straightforward class. if you take good notes, you wont be very stressed out about the tests. "Thats all Folks"

General Ed
Mar 2003
Bud is the biggest prick ever. He is so nitpicky about grades and will not help you out at all (I got a B+ by .5% and he would not let me do anything to bring it up...it came down to one question on the final). On top of my own personal issues against him the guy just plain can't teach. The class was like hell to go to, but I went every day and just wanted to die. He gave us three "midterms" (one was the final) that were 40 multiple choice questions, but don't let this fool you into believing that they are easy...THEY ARE NOT! He puts information on them that you could only catch if you were paying freakishly close attention. Getting a C probably wouldn't be too difficult, but you need to go to class and do ALL the reading. Me and my roommate both took it and studied like crazy and still got Bs. It is definitely not worth the work it takes to get a good grade...find something else!!!

General Ed
Mar 2003
This guy is seriously lame. He is so obsessed with all 300 students in his lecture having 100% of their attention on him and only him that it is ridiculous...because his lectures are the worst. It takes him 8 weeks before he even reaches material that is somewhat relevent to political science. I just wanted to slap him each day I walked into the silo. If you do take this class just make sure you go on the last day because his farewell is the funniest/corniest thing ever. have fun

General Ed
Apr 2003
Bud is very booring and doesn't teach, he just shows power point slides and says "UH.. UM" 200 million times. He pulls numbers and statistics out of nowhere and reduces very significant events and tragedies to big numbers on a screen. HIS TESTS SUCK. They are based on little minute details and names and numbers that you can't study for, not on concepts.

General Ed
Apr 2003
Evans is a pretty good teacher. His lectures are extremly boring and almost everyone in the class was asleep at some point during the class. The way he talks is fucking annoying. The class consists of two midterms and a non-cumulative final. There is also a lame ass project that is easy and basically free points. Overall, I would say this is a class you should take to fullfill a GE course

General Ed
Apr 2003
What a fucking homo. I bet this guy fucks himself everynight

General Ed
Jun 2003
Buds a good guy. He is very liberal, borderline radical, and for conservatives like me his material could be a little tough to swallow. If you are looking for an easy A though, this is the class to take. His midterms are really easy and his big project, which isn't even very big, is an easy A and really boosts the grade. His final is really easy. Its the same as a midterm. Bud is quite a character and even though the materil is boring its well worth your time. Just take very good notes and study the articles and you will get an A.

General Ed
Jul 2003
Bud Evans is a good teacher, and the lectures are actually interesting. The testS however can be tough if you don't thoroughly go through all the material for the test: reading etc. He explains things clearly, and it's easy to take notes. He shows lots of short movies, like documentaries and news prorgams. Overall, the material was very interesting, and I walked out of the class each time having learned something new. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

General Ed
Jun 2004
This class is so biased it's not even funny. You will pretty much learn about why the U.S. sucks, so if that's your standpoint, this is the class for you. Bud loves his powerpoints, but he goes through them so fast it is difficult to take sufficient notes. The videos he showed helped the class go by faster and were usually interesting, but expect a a few pretty graphic films in the mix. Attendance is not required, but it's pretty hard to do well in the class if you don't go. Do the assigned readings and pay attention to key details both in lecture and reading because that's what your tests are based on. There are three non-cumulative midterms (one of which is the "final") so there really is no excuse not to do fairly well on them. His assignments are really easy, the out-of-class project everyone does isn't all that bad (it's two hours of community service with the class on a Saturday), and the book we read (The Tortilla Curtain) is interesting. You will have to subscribe to the Christian Science Monitor (also very biased) and will have to read articles from them which will also show up on tests. It's about $20 for the quarter, but the other texts for the class aren't expensive at all. Overall, if you are conservative and can get past the bias, you'll be okay; if you are liberal, you'll love the class. Oh, and don't expect any discussion; what Bud says is final and only he can be right.

General Ed
Aug 2004
Bud is so hard to take. His lectures are dripping with his biased information. When someone asked where his figures and facts came from he just says "nationally respected articles". (Maybe Bud thinks National Enquirer is one such magazine). Biased information is presented as fact and that there is no other side to the issues. After one of his humanitarian Durango stories a student asked Bud if he could have called the cops on the "villans" of the story and Bud said "No, because violence escalates violence" I guess we'd have anarchy if Bud's people were in charge because no one would do anything to stop violence out of fear that it would get worse. Anyways, If you do take Bud, do all the work and choose the answer on the test the way Bud thinks you should get at least a B.

General Ed
Dec 2004
GREAT, GREAT teacher. I only got a C because I missed one of the assignments. He's a very very smart guy and he presents the material extremely well, with minimal biases. I really learned a lot about political systems in this class because it's very interesting, if you like that kind of stuff. If you get Bud Evans for this class, make sure you stay up-to-date with your readings, but even if you don't, you won't be lost in his rockin' power-point lectures. Some advice: Order the Christian Science Monitor on the day he brings it up, stay up to date with the readings (like I said), take very good and very fast notes, and you don't have a chance to fall behind, so keep on top of the syllabus and know when everything is due. His tests are very fair and not too hard, but study and read nonetheless. Great, great class with an intelligent instructor.

General Ed
Dec 2004
What an amazing guy. There wasn't a class I wasn't more willing to go to this quarter. It was at 8 PM too! His lectures are only sometimes dull and most of the time (while very liberal, good IMO) extremely enjoyable. The whole "media center" style learning really helps and his style brings it all together. Also a flexible and great guy if you ever talk with him afterwards. When he whips out his liberal bat, try not to take it too hard. He'll diss the forefathers, but still knows how to teach. Exams are too easy(except for his questions that make no sense or are just wrong). That's all folks.

General Ed
Jan 2005
Do not take this class! Emmitt "Bud" Evans is a pompous, arrogant egomanic whom I doubt has any true knowledge of American government. This class had nothing to do with American government. He instead goes of on tangents about how he saved the town of Durango, CO or about his beloved "Prince System." During the whole quarter he only mentioned the Constitution in one class and that was only to tell us of his torrid love affair with James Madison's brillance when he wrote it.

General Ed
Jan 2005
This professor is definitely bad. If you are the kind of guy that does want to get a grade below B, avoid him. There is no way you can pass this class with a grade over C without working your butt off and not asking him what he really wants. He doesn't curve at all. 79.9999999% is a C; not even a C+. If you have no option but to take him, start reading the chapters from the beginning of the quarter. If you seriously want an A, you either have to have an excellent memory or you should read every chapter at least twice. I know its overkill but I had to do it for a couple of exams. He requires you to subscribe to a newspaper. I suggest you get the online treeless sub which is only $8 and share it with someone who is willing to pay a portion of the price. Attending his lectures are important cause he shows videos that might appear as questions on the exams. Don't take notes of everything he says. Take notes of all the people he quotes. Be very careful about his assignments and don't take them lightly. I'm writing this for those who really want a good grade in this class. You can decide what's best for you as the course progresses. If you don't think your doing too good, just change the grading to CR/NC.

General Ed
Jan 2005
yah he's liberal and everything but you dont have to take what he says and believe it, he's just expressing his views. the class isnt that bad, exams arent that hard. just keep up with reading and attend class. most of the time lecture will have videos that he shows so it goes by fast. you wont learn anything about our government tho (just how much he thinks it sucks). you just learn about life and the prince system i suppose. definitely remember who said what tho.

General Ed
Nov 2005
I took this class last year, but never wrote about him and thought maybe I should. Here is the deal, if you are very very conservative, dont take this class. It will only make you mad. If you are liberal, take this class! It will be amazing. I must say no matter what political standing you may have, if you have an OPEN MIND, please give this class a try. It is very interesting.

General Ed
Nov 2005
Dr. Evans is a genius and an absolutely excellent teacher. I know many students were either offended or confused by his take on the US political system, but I think it's only because they weren't quite able to grasp the magnitude of the information he was presenting. This class is NOT your standard memorization of the Bill of Rights, timeline of early US history, etc. It teaches you exactly how our political system functions, the true meaning of some of the documents, and what our social responsibility in the world is. If you're close-minded and can't handle seeing how our country operates in a different light, don't take this class. If you're one of those people who shouts out meaningless rhetoric anytime your view of politics is challenged, stay away. Similarly, if you're lazy and aren't willing to do the reading and take extensive notes, don't take this class. But if you actually came to college to be enlightened and learn from an outstanding teacher, take a class with Bud Evans.

General Ed
Nov 2005
I just want to say to anyone who's going to take this class not to pay attention to some of the negative comments on here. You can tell by their choice of words that some of these people were in fact way too immature to understand the class, and their response is to write meaningless profanity as some kind of retribution for not getting the grade they wanted. Evans is an excellent teacher, and I agree with all of the people that wrote positive comments about him on here. THIS IS THE BEST CLASS YOU'LL TAKE AT POLY!

General Ed
Nov 2005
It was really interesting to me to look at the grades earned by students in Buds class. How is it that the majority of people earned either and A or a B when the median grade on both of his mideterms was below a C? Im not hear to rad on Bud but his tests are a poor representation of what has been learned in class. The average grade in this class is a C or worse not because student are not willing to learn but becuase of elaborately tricky content.

General Ed
Nov 2005
I firmly believe that this is a GREAT class, you learn ALOT!!! Bud is a fuckin genius and there is a reason he teaches this class, because he knows Political Science and knows how to present it to the class. If you want to get a ton out of this class, take him because he puts everything in politics into perspective. With that said, as smart as this guy is, he is a fuckin TOOL, he is so in love with himself and the things he has accomplished its ridiculous. He is obsessed with the Prince System, and his acsent can get annoying, plain and simple hes a douchebag. That doesnt diminish his teaching skills the least bit, because this man is a great teacher, and his background in this subject is incredible. You don't have to like the guy as a person, but you have to respect this class and the many great points he brings up daily. He does go through his powerpoints waaaay to fast and his test questions can be tricky, but the man is a great teacher that you can learn alot from him. You will work your ass off, but whatever you put into it you will get out of it. Take this man if you want to get your moneys worth for an education at Poly!

General Ed
Dec 2005
This class was very interesting. He uses powerpoint and videos! i loved the videos. He goes pretty fast in his lectures so taking notes is really hard, but definitely recomended. we read The Tortilla Curtain, which is an easy book to read. The reader was not as easy. I might have read about 30 pages max from the reader. Im sure i would have gotten a better grade if i did read, but reading that much would have been impossible for me so i just relied on lecture notes. We also read newspaper articles. These i did read. Remember names, places and numbers. The tests are hard. A lot of names, most that i dont recognize. Some numbers and percents. We wrote 4 short essays (1-2 paragraphs) on newspaper articles. I thought we got automatic credit on these, but they actually grade these! I thought i got the right answers so i dont know why i got points off. They are never returned, so u dont know what u did wrong to improve on the next one. The Coplin O'Leary and Change essays are not bad. just Follow the Instructions! This class is basically a lot of reading and a few easy essays. good luck!

General Ed
Dec 2005
Bud Evans was the worst teacher I have ever had. Unless you believe that America should be destroyed DO NOT take this class. Bud is biased, egotistical, Anti-American, Anti-government, and the worst is that he is against any opinion spoken in class that does not match his. He will try to reverse statements made against his. His text book is a compilation of three sections of texts that he likes. If you do end up taking the class just go to class and do the assignments and you should get an A or a B. I never had to read anything and I got a B.

General Ed
Dec 2005
Terrible. Terrible, terrible teacher. The class average on two of the three tests were below passing, his lectures are incredibly one sided (100% liberal), and if you ask him a question, he wont answer it. He doesn't even just skirt around the edges, he simply starts rambling about something barely related- my guess is he is clueless when it comes to anything other than whats up on his slideshows. Plus, he hates America and I don't understand why he doesn't just leave. I took this class hoping to learn more about American politics, but I just learned about everything that's wrong in this country.

General Ed
Dec 2005
Totally agree with the person below. Midwestern Commie Reject. I had to walk out of several of his lectures because I could not stand how lopsided this man is. If you are a moderate/conservative then you're gonna feel like you're in a brainwashing chamber. Bring your laptop, ipod, or whatever and try to keep yourself entertained. I pulled a C by showing up to about half of his lectures, and just reading the CSM's everyday. (he bases alot of his test questions off those articles)

General Ed
Jan 2006
Listen guys, im going to tell it like it is, almost impossible to achieve a positive feeling after taking buds class. His POLS112 class is difficult to the point that i didnt meet one person in my class that earned an A. If your going to take this class be prepared to put up with some extreme lectures and readings. IF YOUR LOOKING FOR AN EASY A, DONT TAKE THIS CLASS.

General Ed
Jan 2006
One of my favorite classes. The midterms and final are fine as long as you do all the reading. He throws a couple projects in there that help boost your grade. Gotta go to class each day or you might miss some random fact that could be on a test. Office hours helped.

General Ed
Feb 2006
Bud Evans is an AWFUL teacher. Not only were the lectures boring (which was quite an achievement given his intricate powerpoints) but Bud lectured AT us instead of TO us about his very left-winged views of American Government. His tests were not relevant to his lectures, and he was very unapproachable - one of those teachers who makes you feel stupid for even thinking of asking such a question. If you can get around it, try to take another class.

General Ed
Feb 2006
Emmit isn't a terrible teacher, but bad. He's a smart guy, but doesn't teach in a way that his students will understand the class material. The class revolves around a massive amount of boring readings and boring power point lectures. The material on the multiple choice tests is irrelevant and does not give you an understanding of the material. READ THE MATERIAL, READ THE MATERIAL, READ THE MATERIAL!!!! You can do good in his class if you like to read and understand a lot of liberal newspaper articles and boring sections from books. The tests are completely based on if you read or not; random questions that only a person who comprehended 100% of the material could answer. It's not that I didn't study, but the test questions are extremely specific and some have to relevance at all. I was lucky I got A's on the projects to balance out my grade. Being very conservative, I did not enjoy his liberal views and the way he brought them into his teaching. If you're a liberal person that loves to read irrelevant material then take the class, otherwise, go for someone else.

General Ed
Feb 2006
Colonel Saunders.

General Ed
Feb 2006
Terrible. do not take any classes with this teacher, especially if you can't stand people who pronounce things wrong. (ex: WIF instead of WITH) His powerpoint lectures are soooo disorganized and difficult to follow. A large portion of test questions are from the lectures, not the reading. He won't post the powerpoints online.

General Ed
Feb 2006
"Bud" Evans is a FUGLY SLUT. I went to his office hours and I saw him making out with a hot dog. No joke.

General Ed
Feb 2006
I am from Santa Cruz, so a liberal teacher is nothing new. I didn't like Dr. Evans' class because he only presents his view. He is very conceited. I took this class to fulfill my GE requirement because I wanted to learn more about how our government works. I definitely would never choose to take this class with this professor again! IF YOU have to take this class, go to his office hours. He is very helpful.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Mar 2006
I am a fifth year senior who has 'run the gammut' of available professors at Cal Poly, and Bud Evans is by far the worst. Not only is his "teaching" style more geared toward a pop-culture MTV moronic 'gobble up useless "facts" as they come' crowd, the "facts" therein are so irreconcilably flawed that any attempt at congruence, or relevance for that matter, with the topic of the class at hand was destined for failure. The course title was "American and Californian Government", about which I was only mildly interested. The course content was a whole different beast. For 15 minutes in one period a class of over 100 students sat, teary eyed, watching image after image of dead babies, spilling entrails, and the general destruction and carnage that accompanies any war (these particular photos were from the war in Iraq). While the emotions aroused by the production were no doubt complementary to his all-too-obvious 'anti-war' liberal agenda, I failed to see the connection to what Arnold is doing in the Golden State... the list of irrelevant course matter is extensive, so I will spare you the details, but I recommend anyone OTHER THAN 'Bud' Evans for a course in Political Science (as an aside - the entire course was taught on a power-point presentation; the exact same presentation that accompanied a POLS 325 course that I sat in on earlier in my academic career... both classes contained the exact same garbage, although one was a course in local and national government and the other a course in global political issues. I just wanted to give fair warning to any person who thinks they are paying for two different topics of education - you are getting a raw deal.)

General Ed
Mar 2006
Evans is probably the worst teacher at Cal Poly. He does not present the material well and no matter how much you study you will probably barely be above the average. The average test score in my class was a C...all the averages were either a C or lower. This class is lame and Evans is not a good teacher! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!

General Ed
Mar 2006
if you have the option of stabbing yourself in the eye... or taking this class... i highly suggest you sharpen the nearest pencil

General Ed
Mar 2006
Bud was probably the worst teacher I've ever had. He will make us read boring stuff and then pull a small fact on some random page and put it on our tests. Don't bother studying because every questiong on the test is pulled strait out of Buds ass. When you go to class be prepared for numerous awkward silent moments when he asks us a question and no one knows the answer so he'll sit until someone attempts and then of course it will be wrong so we go through the whole process again. Liberal is an understatment he's a freakin commi! If you want to go and learn about how crappy the U.S. is and everything about it then you should take this class and then move to France. Bud Evans is the biggest cunt i know. When he talks he squeeks like a little 12 year old boy going through puberty. Also he looks exactly like the KFC guy. He pretty much sucks in life and I hate him.... If you want a possible class than go elsewhere. He's a sandbaggin son of a bitch and his classes can suck it. P.s. Bud has a small D

General Ed
Mar 2006
If you hate reading... stop after this sentence: DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS! Why? This guy is a horrible teacher that lectures about why Bush and the republicans are bad. He claims to be impartial but in reality, he's a right-wing hater! I'm more liberal than conservative, and I was still annoyed by this guys constant droning. I had high hopes for this class. None of which were met. The midterms and final (just another midterm) are made up of insignificant facts and other random crap. There is a lot of reading and it's just as biased as he is... it's like one big rant... this class. Part of the reading is an online newspaper that costs $16 for the quarter). The class is made up of 180 points: (2) x 40 point midterms, a 40 point final, (4) x 5 point essays on random articles, a 20 point essay/project on the PS 23 book you have to read, and a 20-point 525-word essay on "Policy of Change". If you want Poli. Sci., look elsewhere.

General Ed
Apr 2006
I really can't believe this guy doesn't have above a 3 average. I consider myself to be a moderate/conservative and Bud's class was easily the high point of my week. Go to class, pay attention, and complete the very, very simple assignments he gives you and you'll do fine. I did less than half the total reading and didn't study at all for the final, and still ended up with a B. He's a left-leaner, but his opinions are always very well supported.

General Ed
Apr 2006
Bud Evans was a great teacher who offered me a new point of view on political science. Alot of people thought he was an ass hole or something but I was never bored in his class and never missed a class either. His tests are easy if you read or even skim the reader. He doesn't give any extra credit and his writing assignments are pretty easy (usually took me about 30 min. to complete each.) Make sure to go to every lecture when you start reading about the "prince charts" because he explains it really clearly in class and that makes it SOOOOO EASY. Oh, and read the Christian Science Monitor readings, that was the whole reason i didn't get a B in this class.

General Ed
Apr 2006
As you well notice the only people who actually write about this guy hate him. Just think...there's about 200 students in each class that he teaches. If he was horrible, you'd expect to see 200 bad reviews. But anyways, this class was very informative and easy to follow. He presents using powerpoint and video clips. The assignments are very easy and so are the tests. It's no big deal at all. I barely spent time doing stuff for this class and was probably one of the easiest and most enjoyable ones i've taken so far. If you're like me and have an open mind and just don't give a shit about poliical stuff, it's cool to just listen to him and just take it in. I came into this class being pretty liberal...but then when I found out what liberal was, well it made me pretty conservative. Anyways...don't be afraid to take Bud. He's a good man.

General Ed
Apr 2006
umm okay idiot below me,...not everyone rates the professors they dislike, and if almost all the ratings on here are bad, I think that tells us something. BUD is the most narcissistic, arrogant asshole EVER. yeah the class isnt that hard as long as you do ALL the reading (don't listen to people who say you don't have to do the reading, the tests ask for random facts not really common knowledge stuff) but i could barely sit through this guys class without shooting myself in the head. i left about an hour early every day cause i couldn't take it.

General Ed
Jun 2006
He is very libral. He shows you stuff you probably have never heard about. He makes class interesting, plus he puts you into groups when your in the smaller class size... so it makes it easy to meet people and have a "team". He thinks he is funny. He is an okay teacher. The subject matter isnt the best but he does okay with it.

General Ed
Aug 2006
I thought a lot of what he lectured on was current and interesting. A real eye opener. You don't have to believe everything he tells you, but keep an open mind and you'll do fine. The tests are tricky--you have to read or else you're screwed. Also he tests like he talks so if you don't know the answer think about what he would say knowing his political views. I hated having to work on a sat. for this class, but it was benefitial to the enviornment so i guess it was okay.

General Ed
Apr 2007
BAD TEACHER. expresses all his political views instead of teaching both sides of the spectrum. DONT TAKE HIM FOR POLS 112.

Required (Major)
Apr 2007
The course name should be changed from Pols 112: California and American Government to Evans 101: Anti-American Socialist Indoctrination. From day one, I knew Evans was a dirty snake slithering in the grass who preached nothing but Anti-American rhetoric. I am not lying. This guy preaches the complete opposite of foundational American cultural values which have made our country the most prosperous ever. For some reason, the whole "purpose" of his course was to teach students how to effect change; but the whole time I was taking the class I kept asking him, "What do we need to change??" The asshole could never give me a straight answer. Basically, Evans is not a very smart guy. The way he teaches the class, however, is very good. He incorporates a lot of visual media into his lecture which makes it really easy to retain what he is teaching (Anti-American Socialism). To be perfectly honest, take this class if you are a liberal who thrives off of such anti-Americanism; to everyone with half a brain, STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!!

General Ed
Jun 2007
If you like looking at huge amrmpit sweatstains all the time, I suggest taking this class. He looks exactly like Colonel Sanders, the KFC guy, and you can tell that he's eaten his fair share of popcorn chicken. He's obsessed with powerpoints that have pictures completely unrelated to the course material, and he will test on literally anything. Make sure you read the CSM assignments, the so called "undiased news source," that's a load of $#%#&^%*&^(! He also sounds just like my cousin, who's ten years old, who's going through puberty; fortunatley my cousin will grow out of it. Evans will not. The course is titled American and California government, however you don't learn anything about our government structure but instead, everything that we can do to turn ourselves into frickin' commies. If you're a liberal bastard, then take this class, but if not, you'll be cleaning your gun about five minutes into the first lecture. Thankfully quarters are short, so just don't pull the trigger! The tests are heavily weighted toward the readings, and make sure you read the Tortilla Curtain. Evans is a queerbait.

General Ed
Jun 2007
at the beginning of the quarter ive never hated a professor so much. But as the quarter progressed i guess you can say that Bud kind of grew on me. He's cocky and arrogant, but he tries his best to make you laugh. For instance he performed a rap for the class on lecture...it was horrible, but you can tell he did it just to make us laugh. Sometimes his lectures are so confusing. He jumps around constantly. My advice....understand the concepts from the lectures, pay very close attention to certain facts, like how much our generation is in debt. His test questions are so random, after the first midterm you start to understand that he picks random facts out of lecture and reading and puts them into question form. Do the readings, you wont pass the tests if you dont read everything, i recommend meeting with a few kids from class to go over the readings before the test as well. Overall i learned to basically hate the government in this class and that the world and countries' future is going down the drain, but it was interesting. ps. watch out for the sweat stains.

General Ed
Jun 2007
DO ALL THE READING!!! he tests on the most random shit ever, like names and percentages. if you get the hang of it, it really isn't all that bad. I read the CSMs the day before the tests which helped because all those random facts are fresh in your mind. It is easy to get perfect scores on all the essays and the project if you follow the directions EXACTLY and respond intelligently. Evans loves the details. Lectures are overall interesting but sometimes boring, you have to go everyday though because he also tests on random shit from the lectures. He's not all that bad, but some people hate him, if you are strong in what you already believe in, it doesnt matter what he says, just tune it out.

General Ed
Nov 2007
Bud evans is a legend..the only reason i went to class everyday was to get a good laugh. And laugh at what that annoying kid in the front always said the stupidest crap. What i got most out of the class was Buds "head bobble" where he looks like a walking bobblehead..but other than that he preaches how terrible America is and everyone should go to Canada with him someday...legend

General Ed
Nov 2007
I expected to learn about American and California government, the course title, but learned nothing of the sort. Toward the end of the quarter he started talking about what's going on in the world, but not often. At the beginning of the quarter I learned absolutely NOTHING. When we got bored, which was often, we would count how many times he said um and in 5 minutes he said um 92 times! For a college professor this is ridiculous. It was extremely distracting, along with his jokes that weren't remotely funny.

Dec 2007
Mr. Evans is a horrible teacher. He says that he tries to show the liberal and conservative views, but really he just tells you his opinion. However, he tells it in a way that makes you think he is telling you facts. Do not take this class if you are not firm in your own views of politics and government. If you are, maybe just take the class if you are looking for a class with little work outside of going to class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2008
Seriously, I don't know what everyone is complaining about in all of these reviews. I LOVED this class. I consider myself a conservative, but I always keep an open mind. Yes, Evans is obviously liberal, but let's be serious, what professor is not liberal? If you bitch and complain about every opposing view that you meet then good luck getting through college alive. I found his lectures very interesting and never missed a class. He presents the material in a way that makes it easy to absorb and is not afraid to give his honest opinion about politics. The tests are the only thing I would complain about because they are given on really random facts. If you don't do the reading or miss a class you are basically screwed. The essay assignments are SO easy as long as you follow the instructions exactly as they are stated. Don't be afraid to take this class because a bunch of close-minded individuals got bad grades and took it out on the professor. You actually do learn a lot. In life you have to acquire the skill of taking in information and fromulating your own opinion through what you've heard. If you are too lazy to do this, then don't take the class.

General Ed
Mar 2008
Evans was ok dude... I felt like a lot of this teachings revolved around things he's been involved in and what he's done in life... and in fact, i found some of the material to be totally irrelevant.. but in the end, it all clicked... everything from that class is important.. and I'm speaking in larger terms than the class itself.... I'm talking about life. ... geez.. I don't know.. the class isn't an easy A.. you gotta work for it.. like any other class... there's HELLA reading material.... (what's POLS class isn't?) haha.. but yea.. Evans?... I don't know.. I wasn't too happy with his teaching methods.. especially since he wouldn't post his slides online.... *you have to be a fairly speedy writer*...

General Ed
Mar 2008
If youre lazy, this class isnt for you. If youre willing to put in some work, I guarentee you can get a high B or an A. You pretty much have to go to every class. The lectures are very boring, but even if you zone out you still seem to retain a lot of the information. My strategies for the test(and they always work well): do a lot of last minute studying and cramming. There is a lot of reading (off blackboard, out of newspapers, and in books) but if you cram and read it all the weekend before the test you should be fine. I had a better time remember the info this way anyways. Also take good notes in class and pretty much just memorize them for the tests. Evans gives us 4 short essays to write, which are all a piece of cake it you just follow the directions correctly. You dont have to be a good writer, you just have to make sure you answer all of his questions. He also gives 2 other more important essay, one of which is easy because you practically copy it right out of a book. Also the final is non-cumulative so that is nice

Mar 2008
If you are willing to go to lectures, do the readings, and study before the tests I guarentee you will at least be able to get a B in this class, if not an A. His tests dont ever have trick questions on them, they are always straight from either the readings or lectures. I would recommend Bud Evans

General Ed
Mar 2008
Good Teacher. Cares a lot about the students. The assignments are easy and if you pay attention and do the readings the tests should be pretty easy too.

General Ed
Apr 2008
He is a good professor, very passionate about the material, and really wants to teach others about it. He is very willing to help you and the class is not hard, it is just a lot of reading (I mean A LOT). Also his lecture goes kind of fast so I wouldn't recommend taking this class if you write slow since a lot of the lecture is on the tests.

General Ed
May 2008
Dye and Ziegler. Dye and Ziegler. You will hear these names hundreds of times if you take this class. Evans is a DOUCHEBAG

General Ed
Jun 2008
If you don't like reading, this isn't the class for you. Bud is a nice guy, but extremely cocky and proud. The lectures consist of very well constructed powerpoint slides, but sometimes, it's a bit hard to follow, especially because he goes pretty fast. There are four short essays... really simple. The tests weren't too hard, but you definitely had to study. The final is not cumulative... thank God. If you pay attention, study, and read, you should definitely be able to get a B, if not an A.

General Ed
Nov 2008
THIS CLASS WILL CONSUME YOUR LIFE WITH READING. It's difficult to succeed on his tests because you read soooo many articles it's hard to keep them straight. He lectures with powerpoint but he goes really fast and he doesn't post them on BB if you miss a class. I would recommend him because I actually did learn a lot, but it was a lot of work for sure. You won't be able to skate by with this guy!

General Ed
Dec 2010
I have unfortunately had to take Evans for two different classes. My freshman year I took POLS 112 and my senior year I took UNIV 350. I needed the class so I had to take it. Prof. Evans is by far the worst teacher I have ever had at Cal Poly. His tests are ridiculously hard and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get an A in his class. I am a straight A student at Cal Poly. I am going to graduate cum laude because I have over a 3.5 GPA. I knew that he is impossible, so fortunately I took his class as a credit/no credit class. I learned my lesson when I got a C- my freshman year. I stuggled just to get credit in this class. I am going to law school next year, so thankfully his class didn\'t ruin my orverall GPA. Don\'t take him though. He is horrible. Please just don\'t do it to yourself. If you are saying to yourself, \"He can\'t be that bad,\" you are wrong. He is worse.

General Ed
Dec 2010
I am currently taking Evans for UNIV 350 which is a course on the Global Environment. I thought it would be an awesome class because i really wanted to learn about how to become more sustainable. Evans has completely failed me as a teacher. While some information is awesome and totally relevant, the tests are bogus, extremely difficult, and too long while the assignments are pure busy work. I am a dean\'s list student and I\'m really glad that I took this class credit/no credit because I\'m not even sure if I\'m going to pull through with a C-. You can understand everything, all the readings (he assigns WAY too many), case studies, lectures, and articles yet still fail his tests. Basically all he wants is for you to memorize word for word EVERY random fact, statistic, quote, or detail that he goes over. But did I mention that he doesn\'t post any of his powerpoints and he goes through them super fast in class, because he does. If u go up to him after class and ask for a slide he tells you to come to office hours. I feel that every GE course depends on the person teaching it, and this guy sucks! If you want to learn something about the environment and get a good grade while doing so DO NOT TAKE EVANS!

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Class is relatively easy, but the information is liberal propaganda. It is easy to fake your way through this class. Take notes and accept what he says because his opinion and not necessarily the facts are on the test. Plus let\'s be honest: the dude is just plain weird.

General Ed
Nov 2014
Let me start out by saying one thing: if you have to take this class, do not take it with Evans. The class is titled "American and California Government" but I could not tell you one piece of information I learned relevant to this topic. Most of the quarter was spent exploring how "elites run the government" as Evans emphasized that "all governments are oligarchies". The lectures were extremely hard to follow and the lack of an actual textbook just made the class more confusing. I never thought I would complain about not having a textbook, but after having close to eighty pages a week to read from random articles, I was simply wishing that we had a textbook. All of this made it extremely hard to study for the exams, as we rarely learned any concrete information in class or in the readings. The only thing that saved my grade in this class were the writing assignments he assigned twice a quarter, which were easy to complete and offered a nice grade bump if you followed instructions. Save yourself the headache...don't take this class with Evans. Just dont.

General Ed
Nov 2014
Do not take this class if you are a conservative. Professor Evans is very very liberal, never has anything good to say about the United States, and just rants about how awful of a nation we are and how we need to be more socialistic. Now, it's not that I don't have an open mind, but in today's lecture he justified the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings for being the "fault of the wealthy," and that the shooters' anger was channeled at people more successful than them. It was clear that Evans did not believe that all the blame was to be put on the shooters. The entire class was shocked when he dared to make that claim, and two brave souls spoke up, calling him out on the inappropriateness to use mental illness in order to make a political point. Regardless of political views, Evans overall is kind of a jerk. He enjoys getting people in trouble by the smirk on his face when he asks people to move, is very self-rightous, disorganized, and rude. I do not recommend taking his class if you have the choice. I was unfortunately blocked into it as a freshman.

General Ed
Nov 2014
Okay, I am a freshman, and i got blocked into this class for my GE. I wish i would've done absolutely anything to get out of it, I literally despise this class. It has made me feel like I can't even survive in college! We have at least 100 pages of reading a week, from multiple different sources, so you can't just skim to get the idea of things...they are literally all unrelated. The readings are very informative, and they aren't horrible to read if you have some interest in the topics, but lord they are lengthy. And, half the time, they have no do actually do with political science. We spent the past two weeks learning about the environment! Like, literally, we learned about all kinds of natural disasters, and then we learned about fungi and how it will replenish a forest over time after a forest fire. His reasoning? There is diversity in the ecosystem just like in politics. Bit of a leap, right? Well, to make it better, his tests are absolutely horrible. Half of the questions are no-brainers, and the other half are literally like asking how many hairs are on your head. I asked him what i should focus on studying before the first midterm, and he said "prepare like you are going to write an essay. Know the main ideas, terms, and quotes." OH! thats all? just everything we read and got lectured on, okay. He wasn't kidding...if you want to get anything above a C on his tests, you're going to have to memorize the freaking readings or have a photographic memory. Who remembers that single line quote from the 50 page article we read about the biosphere? Shit, man, definitely not me. The work load is a lot, reading reading reading. You have two writing assignments, they are easy, but he is ridiculously nit picky. I lost 5/30 points for not indenting the line which had the character count at the end of my essay. Point made. The midterms are basically half guessing half piece of cake. HIs lecturing is terribly boring, and he basically only talks to hear himself speak. He doesn't give any students the time of day when they need help-he literally put up his hand to me when i started talking until I finally walked away. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS unless you are a political science major who just adores this shit. it is horrible. I have 3 A's and I'll be SUPER lucky if I come out with a B in this class. DROP IT DROP IT DROP IT

General Ed
Nov 2014
Evans has a good teaching style and knows how to clearly present his points and he is a very nice man. However, he is absolutely fucking insane. Being an American and California Government course, I can safely say I didn't learn one goddamn thing about the government. He teaches on irrelevant aspects of society like diversity and sustainability. Someone during class literally asked him how this relates to government and all he did was stutter and mutter three words and moved on. Genius. His tests are 50% common sense and 50% fucking impossible. Do whatever you can to avoid this class.

General Ed
Nov 2014

General Ed
Nov 2014
Evans is absolutely terrible and has nothing to do with POLS. I would recommend waiting to take this class a different quarter with a different professor than taking this class. Too much work for a GE.

General Ed
Dec 2014
Please don't listen to the comments below. I feel that Emmit Evans is actually a pretty good professor. I was really scared coming into the class because of his terrible polyratings, but it ended up being one of my favorite classes. There is a significant amount of reading, but it is all pretty interesting. I really recommend this class if you are interested in learning about the true methods of our government. Also this class has a huge environmental influence. THe workload really isn't that bad. Just do the reading, go to class and you should be fine!

General Ed
Dec 2014
Don't expect to learn anything with regard to how US and California government works. Everything that he uses as an example in his class has something to do with him. His only tip for studying for an all multiple choice test is "prepare to write an essay"

General Ed
Dec 2014
The only thing I can possibly say about this class is to AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. Evans is by far the worst teacher I have had in my educational experience. He doesn't post anything on poly learn and studying for tests is nearly impossible considering nothing on the midterms is even remotely relative to what he lectures on. The course title is "American and California Government," but it should be renamed to "Trees, Farmers Markets, and Peaches" which is all we covered in class. Did not learn one thing from him, and it is teachers like him that should not even step foot on Cal Poly campus.

General Ed
Jan 2015
The majority of people on here tend to not like Bud Evans, but I actually don't think that he's that bad. The class really isn't about american and california government, but it's not a super hard class. He does assign A LOT of reading, but as long as you go to every lecture and take good notes you should be able to get a B in the class. However, he does go through his slides very quickly, so you have to be able to take notes fairly quickly, but overall it's not as bad as everyone makes it seems.

Mar 2015
Some Shit is Interesting, but OVERALL, this class is horse shit! This Class Ruined my Quarter and is Complete B.S. Do Not take this class, unless you wanna learn about how sustainability and the diversity of all things helps the world..

General Ed
Nov 2015
Do not take this class. I got blocked into this class as a freshman last year. This class is NOT about American & California government. It's extremely irrelevant. The lecture is boring, and I struggled to stay awake for it. He assigns very long, boring readings for homework. The exams are impossible if you haven't read well or attended lecture. The small projects were what saved my grade in this class. Overall, worst class i've taken at Cal Poly.

LS 211

Required (Major)
Dec 2001
Bud is not staight forward with his lectures, he goes way to fast and you don't have time to write down any of the notes. His test have nothing to do with the notes that you didn't get enough time to write down, and his labs seem to have no connection to the class. I would not recommend this teacher.

LS 212

General Ed
Jun 2001
He taught the course like we were in kindergarden. This goes way beyond a fly course. This is sit in the back and watch the ants on your desk because it is so boring. His ability to pull shit out of his ass is only rivaled by his ability to impress himself. He would die if he didn't have power point. He even makes slides that say nothing else but 'good job', and wastes money making them into overheads. He says that this is the only course at calpoly that does not indoctrinate, but every he teaches is INDOCTRINATION! All of his "facts" and arguemens are supported with fluffy statistics. Some of the liberal studies majors said they study many hours and still got low C's on his midterms. I don't see how you could possibly get below a C's, you'd really have to work for it. It just scares me that these people are going to be teaching our children. The biggest thing he teaches these future teachers is that they will be under paid. I say that's just to bad. If this class is representative of the classes they have to take then they deserve to be paid less than those of us who are working our asses off in hard majors. My suggestion is if you have any brains at all don't take this class or any class with this professor. The easy grade is not worth the hours of boredom and dumb activities.

POLS 225

Mar 2009
Bud Evans is an awesome teacher. Some may say he is biased, and there is some merit to this. He's a Berkeley guy so obviously he is liberal, but he seems to focus more on the real side of politics rather than conservative vs. liberal ideology. He speaks about the issues at hand and teaches conservative and liberal answers. He tends to make the liberal side prettier, but he still seems fairly well balanced. He teaches from a very cynical point of view. I learned a lot from the course. Some of the test questions seem unfair, but overall the grading seemed fair. He seems like a strange guy, but he knows his stuff and teaches it well. Overall I highly suggest him, especially if you are into politics.

POLS 316

General Ed
May 2010
I liked this class. There is a lot of info and power point slides, but he is VERY ORGANIZED. Yes, he is liberal but he comes from Berkely. Statistics have proven over and over again, that educated people usually are liberal. And he is a humanitarian. His tests were kinda hard. 50pt multiple choice. He was an easy grader for the projects. He knows a lot of stuff and really, he is a very KIND person. He reminds me of Chris Farley \"in a van down by the river\" kind of guy. There was a race-ist army guy in the class that would bitch and snicker over liberal left wing issues like global warming and the war. It was so immature and rude. But Evan just pointed out the facts about stuff. It wasn\'t biased at all. People who say that, are just threatened with their close-minded republican views. Over all it was a great class. We even had a field trip to farmers market, it was boring but he tried to make it fun. Just read the power points and skim the chapters, you will be fine and learn a lot.

POLS 325

General Ed
Oct 2001
WARNING: Dr. Evans doesn't like it when students WALK OUT on his lectures, even in the rotunda. quoting an email to me, from him: One of my responsibilities is to maintain a minimal level of disruption for students who do want to be in class and are striving to maximize their grade. Your individual whim does not override their collective entitlement. so be warned, he will make a scene if you walk out, regardless of the reason.

General Ed
Jan 2002
Bud's class is extremely boring. My roomate and I would fight over which one of us would have to go to class each day. He also made our class participate in a Habitat Restoration Project for the City of San Luis which was basically slave labor and had absolutely no revelance to the class and it took up our Saturday morning. The class was pretty easy if you attended lecture and did the reading but it doesn't make up for how boring his lectures are. The class was supposed to be current global political issues but he definetly spent the entire class lecturing about things that happened back in 1992. Bud is extremely pompous and I think he really enjoys hearing himself talk, and what everyone else said about the power point obsession is true. FYB!!!!!

General Ed
Feb 2002
This was quite possibly the least intellectually stimulating class I have ever taken. Bud relies too heavily on his PowerPoint presentations and will not deviate from them for any reason. For this reason, class discussion is non-existent (unless, of course, it leads to his next slide). Also, students are required to participate in a "civic learning" project which basically entails pulling weeds at a sewage treatment plant (no joke). The writing assignments are pointless, but they're graded easily by his TAs (I don't think he ever sees them. The tests are also easy. If you're looking for a class where you don't have to think, and where thinking seems to be discouraged, take Bud. If you'd like to actually be stimulated by the professor and not by cheesy Powerpoint slides, take someone else.

General Ed
Jun 2002
Evans has been around for awhile. You can tell. Other than teaching the class, he does absolutely nothing. He doesn't read the papers, doesn't grade the tests. he just talks and clicks his multi-media presentations, many of which are little PBS movies, which is a plus. I went intot eh class thinking that we would be learning about present day stuff. Well, you get to that... at about week 8. This class is BORING, but you have to go. His tests are very specific and tricky. A kid called him anal in class which I found funny, but Bud didn't. He is so mild mannered and really really not into questions and discussion, but i think he would get a B- as far as teaching goes. The class requires a lot of books but they are little, and there is a lot of reading and writing. The essays are an absolute joke. The longest one was 750-800 words. yes please! I think i would recommend the class to someone if they knew they would actually go. Otherwise its not lookin so hot.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Dec 2002
Dr. Evans is an average teacher. He does choose a lot of videos and powerpoint presentations that sort of mask his inability to interest students. I took Dr. Evans 110 class and then his 325 class and there were several days that he showed the same videos and did the same presentations in both classes. The 325 class has a lot of essays that are very easy (just follow his instructions people!) and the three multiple choice tests don't need much studying to do well.

Jan 2003
Bud is probably the best professor to take this class with, as I have tried others. I think it really depends on what you are looking to take away from POLS 325. I just wanted to take the class, maybe learn something, and then get away with credit for it. If you are looking for some kind of intellectual discussians where your mind expands, you may want to look elsewhere. Dr. Evens presents most of the class through slides on the overhead projector or in powerpoint, all you have to do is write down just about everything he puts up there(hard at times as he clicks through them super fast), and do all of the assigned reading. If you don't do both of those, then you are pretty screwed on the tests, because he gets quite specific at times. If you are one of those people who for some reason never comes to class you probably want to avoid this class as well, as missing a single day could set you back pretty far. The tests didn't have any tricks on them, as long as you knew the information. As for the essays, let me just say they were a breeze. They are so completely straightforward, just do exactly to the letter what the instructions say and you will get 100% everytime. His aides grade them, and they just look for key concepts, so just jump through the easy hoops he sets up and enjoy a free ride.

Required (Major)
May 2003
Dr. Evans structures all his classes the same. He lectures heavily and has several projects throughout the quarter to fill the WI requirement. His tests are far too difficult considering the material they are based on. There are a lot of percentage questions that are pulled from the Christian Science Monitor and the lecture. His tests are also very short and specific so missing one question really pulls your grade down. He also relies heavily on his student assistants, which is fine but he has about 8 of them so it causes big grading swings depending on who grades your paper. Personally, I think Dr. Evans uses class too much like a pet project and less like a college course. His upper division class feels like a freshman level class on steroids, meaning the material is inane and heavily slanted but the tests are hard and factual. I do not recommend his classes and will be avoiding them myself if possible.

General Ed
Nov 2003
He is a very nice guy, but do not take this class unless you want to be bombarded with ultra-left political propaganda. His lectures are so slanted and ridiculous, it makes you wonder how he became a teacher. He actually equated suicide bombers with cruise missiles, and made bin Laden seem like a hero. His anti-American bullshit will make you want to slap him. Steer clear.

General Ed
Nov 2003
He sucks guys. You really shouldn't take this class. The way he presents information is completely one-sided, from his extremely biased point of view. He is boring and annoying. He also has his aides grade your papers, and sometimes they like to take off points for nothing (such as for grammar that is perfect!!!!). So if you're just looking to fulfill a GE, find something else.. this class is pretty much a waste of time.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Dec 2003
Evans relies on his computer presentations that you are subjected to for the entire lecture. Upon asking for clarification, he merely says, "Well, you're grade will give you a good idea." What a Joke! This arrogant professor pushes his agenda. Exams suck, he asks for specific numbers and outdated statistics, disregarding your comprehension for the main concepts. Avoid him if possible!

General Ed
Mar 2004
Dr. Evans definately made a potentially boring class very interesting. We watched a lot of videos (that actually related to the material), read newspaper articles,and read books that all contributed not only to the class, but to actual knowledge. The only complaint that I have is about one of the books we read. It was the most boring book I've ever read. I must say, I learned a lot in his class and he presented the material very well.

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
His classes are very interesting and fun to sit through, but you can never miss a class or you are screwed for the test. He tests on every single reading, lecture, and assigned Christian Science Monitors. Pretty much plan on spending several hrs a week just reading the material. As far as tests go read all the books and everything else as well. I guarantee whatever you didn't read it will be on the test. If you have taken 212 with him you are set for the paper, just save your previous one as a guideline because you have to do another identical to it. He's a good lecturer but he's also like all the other poly sci. teachers . . . LIBERAL!

Required (Major)
May 2004
I can't believe this guy has tenure. He flat out lied to his class every day. When we called him on his "facts" he actually had the gall to call us liars. I did nothing and answered how a person who makes the Green party look conservative would answer. It

General Ed
Jun 2004
Every liberal should take this professor. He is not afraid to admit what most liberals are afraid to admit. That he hates America and everything it stands for.

Required (Major)
Nov 2005
Complete joke. His lectures are just his canned slide show presentation he's been using for years. He uses the same material and books for all of his classes. He's just lazy. Someone will ask him a question and he'll say "that leads me to my next slide"...but it doesn't. He just doesn't have an answer. Easy class, but not worth the time.

Required (Major)
May 2007
As you have already noted, Bud Evans has received negative feedback for presenting limited participatory lectures. He does however, place a high emphasis on sharing vast information pertinent to the world's survival. Don't get me wrong. I'm a Conservative; a conservative with enough common sense to realize that man has placed human survival in jeopardy. There is no negotiation for the alternatives to environmental reparations. I believe that is why Bud's lectures are one-sided; there can be no misinterpretation for what needs to be done in order for the world to survive. He supports these lectures with contemporary science and politics and you'd have a tough time supplementing or disputing that compelling data. As for the exams, they are easy. There are NO TRICKY QUESTIONS. If you prepare for the exams, they are a cinch. The tests consist of 40 to 50 multiple choice questions. Most students complete the tests within 15 minutes. Pay close attention to short statistics and percentages. Don't worry about dates, but know what each of the actors said as quoted in the lectures. You need to write down the main points displayed on the media screen (Bud moves fast, so keep up) and complete all the readings. There are many reading assignments but they are easy; especially those in the Christian Science Monitor. Last but not least, complete all homework assignments; they are easy!!! The essays are short (can be completed in less than 45 min). The larger assignments are also easy; a couple hours on each tops. Great class ---- I promise. Good luck.

POLS 326

Aug 2001
Don't take the class. It can be sumed up in the first week. It's hard to say what the class is worth as an educational tool. The class is presented in multimedia form and too much is thrown at you per class you don't have time to take good notes or absorb what is being said. This is one class I will not be keeping the book from for future use. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell the class was all about.

Aug 2001
This is the worst teacher I have had in my three years at Cal Poly. He is condescending and pompous. Moreover, the assignments take a lot of time and are graded very harshly. The midterm and final aren't too bad. Furthermore, Professor Evans has become so enamored with multimedia presentations that he has forgotten what he is actually there for: to teach students interesting material. I would never take this class unless it was a requirement. I also would avoid any of Evans' classes like they were the plague.

Required (Major)
Jun 1999

POLS 333

General Ed
Nov 2003
READ THIS EVALUATION IF YOU'RE TAKING POLS 333 - Dr. Evans is a very cocky, manipulative professor who throws biased statistics and views at you like they are common knowledge. This course attempts to be legitimized by having a million guest professors in during the second half of the course, but the fact is they are all very liberal-minded professors who look at the world in an extreme doom-or-gloom manner. I feel so sorry for the people in this class who don't have an agricultural background because they have no perception of reality and the "other side" of the story. Dr. Evans tries to make everything simple and clear- when in reality what he is saying is so out in left field. Granted, some of the issues he presents are worthy of notice, but they are not nearly as dire as he makes them out to be.

General Ed
Dec 2003
Dr. Evans is the worst professor at this institution. He presents the same material in all of his classes - one class member had the same notes he presented to our POLS 333 class from an entirely different course he had taught - and his tests invariably include AT LEAST 5 questions that are not taken from relevent class material. For those keeping track, that is a LETTER GRADE per exam. The two exams constitute half of your grade. You basically lose a letter grade to his faulty test questions on both tests: you, therefore, lose a letter grade for half of the course, which is crippling to good students and bad students alike. Do not approach this class thinking you can ace it because you've always done so well. I've collected a stack of academic awards, never once missing the Dean's List, and it was legitimately impossible to study for the above-mentioned nebulous test questions. Sadly, it gets worse. He is also insultingly arrogant, he drops names and 'accomplishments' all over the place, his lectures are stale, his powerpoint presentations suck, he is actively distracting during exams (always fixing a printer or coughing or using the in-room cameras to zoom in on nervous students or cracking jokes or defending the stupidity of his tests - and always loudly), and what is worst of all, he never, ever grades anything on his own. He may be a nice guy, I guess, but he's a miseriable educator. Oh, yeah, and the reader you buy for like $90 is nothing more than photocopied articles from other publications, and you are paying not for the reader but for the copyrights to the articles. There is a useful mechanism for solving this problem of textbook cost, Dr. Evans: it is called the RESERVE ROOM. Don't take this pathetic course. Seriously.

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
"More people died in Iraq than died in all of WWII". I am not joking. This douche-bag actually said this. He has no clue what he is talking about. Narsassim doesn't even begin to describe this communist ass-hole. Look up the phrase "amour propre". It means the desire to have sex with yourself. Fits him perfectly.

General Ed
Mar 2005
He's an okay guy, kind of weird in my opinion. The class is really easy, you just did the assignments and got full credit. There was a lot of books for the class, but he puts them in the reserves (saved me about $150!). There is a lot of reading each night though. The one good thing I liked about this class is that it really got me thinking about the problems in the world and the real causes of them.

General Ed
Jun 2005
Okay, here's the deal on Bud. he requires too much reading, most of which is insanely boring soil and ag sustainability materials - so if you aren't related in the ag arena, then this reading will bore the shit out of you. Bud, himself, is very into his teaching method, which is basically pummling the students with "hard-reality" (ie: lots of sobering information on the gvmt and society). he requires too much outside work for all that the class is - a GE requirement. tons of required reading, an easy two page essay, a inanely pointless Prince system project, doing an 70 minute group of 4 students presentation to a high school class (which is actually fun if and only if you enjoy giving oral presentations). okay, so that's the nut shell on the workload. it was wierd when i first walked into his class, lots of women. it makes sense now, he like being one of those buddy-buddy teachers with the girls, swooning and stupid cutesy shit with the girls. the lectures are only boring when it's a "Guest speaker" - you'll have around 5 to 6 of these. tests are way fucking hard, who said this little quote from your massive 200 pages of required reading kind of crap.

General Ed
Aug 2005
Bud was awful. He gave way too much reading. The class average for the midterm was a D. He never says anything about what's going to be on the test. There's so much reading from so many different authors and he'll ask questions like "Who said this...?" I recommend doing everything you can to avoid this class.

General Ed
Dec 2005
Professor Evans is a midwestern communist reject. I am liberal, but he made me embarrassed to be even remotely identified with him. He sucks at teaching, so he had guest lecturers in at least half the time. He tests on tiny, insignificant details and squirms whenever someone makes an intelligent point. I stopped going to class after the midterm and still ended up with a B by bullshitting the essays and tests. He feeds his students ridiculous far-left propaganda and when you ask him where his information came from, he says "well respected sources"- i.e., he made it up. The guest lectures were mostly interesting and fairly well-presented, at least in contrast to Bud's. Don't take this professor- if you are a girl he will try to hit on you and if you are a guy he will ridicule you.

General Ed
Jun 2006
Bud Evans is a good professor despite his flaws. His homework assignments are easy and you barely have to write anything in this class. The tests are a bit ridiculous on some questions because of how specific they are. I think he does this to make it so that 220 students don't all get "A's". Anyway, the information is pretty interesting, especially if you're interested in the environment and the power of global corporations and you will actually learn.

General Ed
Nov 2006
horribly biased teacher! avoid at all costs!

General Ed
Apr 2007
If you have taken him for Pols 112 KEEP YOUR OLD NOTES! He covers a lot of the same stuff and gives some of the same assignments. Bud isn't the best teacher, Sometimes the lectures are interesting others not so much. He is very full of himself and some of the lectures seem really juvenile. He one of the biggest narcissist I have never met which makes his lectures somewhat entertaining. Don

Required (Support)
May 2007
Evans emphasizes one side of the story. We all see the other side consistantly through the media, so he just shows you something else. He is very straght-forward, and breaks down the concepts and his arguments well. The tests and assignments are not tricky or too complex because he just checks to see if you have been paying attention. Just know the basic conepts with a couple quotes and statistics. I've heard negative a lot of things about his class, and mostly they're towards his "negative" point of view. If you want to hear about the world of Oz, then don't take this class. If you want to hear another perspective that will may mentally stimulate you, then take his class.

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Aug 2007
Expect to leave the class thinking, "This was nothing like what I expected the course would be. It could have been SO much better." Be prepared for many useless quotes (seeing the same ones over and over until you can recite them from memory), hearing and seeing the words sustainability, diversity, and stability tossed around a few hundred times in these quotes, him showing you 5 or 6 different video clips/documentaries instead of having you focus on one (taking notes) during each class and remembering something about it, and three short (forgettable) paper assignments you'll have no reason retaining once the quarter is over. I took a few other political science classes (300-400 level) prior to this one, both of them being probably 10 times as difficult, and yet I still managed better grades in them than this one. You might find the motivation to excel and progress in this class clearly lacking by about week 4. And in the final section of the course, the topic we may have spent the least time learning about was WORLD FOOD SYSTEMS! Lastly, you can tell from day 1 Mr. Evans is a tad on the conceited side and doesn't always appear to be a genuinely sincere person, but that might come with instructing some 100-150 students at one time (several of which probably could use another year at the community college, or high school). A couple positives: a few of the guest lecturers have some good material, multiple choice exams, and you'll never have to worry about not being able to hear Mr. Evans when he speaks.

General Ed
Nov 2007
There will be tons of reading for this class.....I mean pages and pages. He is very unclear in class and gives no clue about what to study for tests....Expect a lot of quotes and irrelevant information you will be asked.... I would not recommend this teacher unless you are the type of person that can remember EVERYTHING he talks about in class. Overall very unclear teacher.

General Ed
Dec 2007
this guyis an arrogant ass....so full of himself, and it shows on his lectures, they are only based on what he thinks is important, ie. kansas farms! Information is totally biased to the left! Class needs to be relabled, no way in hell does it ahve anything to do with world food systems... should b called the world according to Bud Evans,it might be more accurate... i honestly felt like i lost iq points sitting in his class! All of the lectures revolve around diversity, sustainability, and change! i can't believe i had to pay good money to take this class!

Required (Support)
Dec 2007
WORST PROFESSOR EVER! seriously, after two and a half years of school, multiudes of professors, i can honestly say that he is the worst i have ever had. You really only need to go to class once every two or three week,and take notes, because the information is so redundant! This guy makes a two hour class seem four hours long! The information he provides is completely biased, and sometimes outdated, and extremely unapplicable to life or the world! i agree with the previous post about renaming the class, it is so true! i did not learn anything about world food systems, tests are multiple choice, rather simple if you have done the reading, which is overly excessive, easily 150 pages a week, the four assignments are retardedly simple, but the hunger dinner, was extremely boring, and basically a duplicate of the class lecture on starvation, but you are required to go, because he wants everyone to see that he is important! Arrogant and cocky, humilates you for asking questions, espically if you ask him to flip the slide back to write something down! Just find another professor or take anotehr class!

General Ed
Dec 2007
The class was basically a repeat of his POLS 112 class. There are two midterms and 1 final (non-cumulative). There are also three small papers. The tests are all multiple choice but only 35 questions. He asks really specific questions on statistics. It is really important that you go to his class every time. The entire class is done on power point, but he doesn

General Ed
Dec 2007
His class is the very definition of a teacher who propagandizes information to students. If you have an opinion different then his he will shoot you down without any room for explanation. Everything on the 3 non-cumulative tests are from the slides but he doesn't post them and you are forced to write down a ridiculous quantity of notes as his presentations often include 60+ slides per day that he really doesn't give you time to copy. You may be wondering if this guys is crazy liberal and I'm a Right winger which is not true. He really isn't left or right, he is just ignorant. He presents numbers and information as if they are fact but has no reference to where the information came from. Both liberal and conservative students in the class had problems with this guy. Also the reading he assigns are mostly ridiculous and a large waste of time in that you may have to read 100's of pages on the internet and never see a question on the tests about it. Simply it is an easy class, but if you don't want to deal with this guys brash ignorance avoid it at all costs.

Apr 2008
First two weeks of class start off as interesting, after that it's all downhill. Extremely biased in his class lectures. If you have a question, he will try to embarrass you, accuse you of not reading all of his pointless, boring, propaganda readings he assigns weekly, and then he won't even answer the damn question. And don't even think about trying to disagree because he will hear nothing of it, due to the fact he doesn't know what he is talking about. He just speaks louder over you. I hate his class. He assigns way too much reading and he'll ask 1 fact of a 30pg reading. Honestly. His test sucked. He would fly through his powerpoint and would not go back if you couldn't finish your notes, which is unfortunate because that is where a bulk of the test questions are from. To do good on the test, you HAVE to go to all his lectures, and read all those millions of pages. Homework is pretty easy though, and his TA's grade them. Overall, I would NOT TAKE HIM!

General Ed
Nov 2008
Evans was actually very passionate about the course material. He is fast-paced, but the material is relevant to the world in this society. I highly recommend the course.

Dec 2008
This class was awesome. Probably the best taught class I've taken at poly. While lectures are fast paced, you end up learning a lot. If you go to class and do the readings you will do fine on the tests, which are all multiple choice and non-cumulative. He doesn't post his slides so you can't miss class and if you do you better know someone in the class that takes really good notes. I loved this class, it taught me a lot about the world, why it is all going to hell and ways for our generation to make it better. I think everyone should take this class.

General Ed
Apr 2009
POLS 333/UNIV 333 as a class, I HIGHLY recommend. The professor may have some personality flaws, but as an educator, he really does do his best to make the learning experience better for the student. His test questions are VERY straight forward (no tricky questions) if the student diligently went to every lecture and took good notes and did a fair ~good amount of the reading. I do have a miff about his assignments which are essays that he has a grader grade and he is VERY particular about word count, but otherwise if you follow directions precisely and have an open mind about learning the content presented, you shouldn't suffer anything lower than a B-. I found his office hours hard to get to or limiting in terms that it didn't fit well with my schedule, but when I did visit him during his Office Hours, he was VERY helpful and made sure I clearly understood the concept. (He's better at this if you have a clear and concise question ready as you walk in the door.)

General Ed
May 2009
World Food Systems is a class that everyone should take...it will change your life! You will be amazed by how much you learn about how food is produced on a global scale. Prof Evans is very passionate about the subject and presented some very interesting material during the course. He is a very sweet southern gentleman and obviously puts alot of time and effort into his presentations. His tests are fair-right out of class lectures and readings. The assignments can be a bit obscure, but easy enough. I thought I was doing poorly during the quarter (averaging a B- on test/hw) but with the curve, ended up with an A.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Jun 2009
OK, so this is more of an evaluation of UNIV 333. The course description sounds cool, so I hope to sort of debunk that myth. This class is a combination of POLS, Nutrition, and Science in order to give students a well rounded understanding of food systems; where our food comes from and why; why some people get more food than others...all that good stuff. The way the class is organized though is really really annoying. The best parts were when other professors came in and guest lectured, because they were passionate experts in their field. Dr. Pederson was great too, because she had a lot of experience in Africa and as a nutritionist, she knew why so many problems resulting from malnutrition occurred. The problem is that there is SO MUCH INFORMATION on so many different fields of study that it is impossible to know what to take down and what is just too detailed. I'm not a lazy student, honestly. But when you're combining three or four different fields of study that most people spend four years learning, its kind of unfair to not even put the powerpoints online. Evans said he doesn't do it because attendance would drop, but that problem is solved by making a sign in sheet and making attendance worth 5% of your grade. Also, the class is every technologically involved. You turn in assignments online, we're lectured to like we've never heard of paypal...so why can't you just PDF your lecture slides? He moves through so fast you can't copy down 4 bullet points. Also, I didn't crack open the books once and am going into the final with a B. The articles are a little more useful, but if you find yourself broke and have to choose between paying your outrageous cell phone bill and buying these books, pay your cell phone bill so you can text through class. I learned some interesting stuff, but the way the class was organized is horrible, and they resort to the silly practice of marking you down for not double spacing your homework. I felt very micromanaged, and as though I couldn't do anything on my own, because they just relied on speeding through a 2 hour lecture (no break) and having you just copy everything.

General Ed
May 2011
This is a review for UNIV 333, World Food Systems. Ok, here we go. Overall, I enjoyed this class. It was interesting and it thoroughly examined each aspect of the current global food crisis: from production by third world farmers to allocation by first world politicians. PASS listed the class as being taught by two professors, Bud Evans and Mary Pedersen. In reality, Evans did the majority of the work—I’m in week nine right now and Pedersen has taught two classes. I’m happy about that. Evans is a very likeable guy who is engaging and energetic every class. That being said, some of the lectures are rather dull. Unless you find crop planting techniques and all of their various features exciting, it can’t be helped. Moving on. The class is broken up into two major parts: first, an overview of the farming systems and their problems; second, an overview of the allocation (political) systems and their problems. Throughout the quarter you will take one midterm, one non-comprehensive final and be assigned four projects, though only the last of the four is deserving of that title. The first three projects can be completed in one day. They consist of reading an article and then answering three to four questions in essay format with 500-525 words (roughly two pages). They are worth 50 points each—17% of your total grade. I’m not sure about this, but it seemed to be the case with everyone I talked to: as long as you respond to all the questions, follow all directions and write in a semi-coherent manner, you will receive a 100% on those first three. The fourth project is a little more difficult and requires much more work. Don’t let that scare you; when I say “much more work,” I mean, “comparatively, much more work.” So about five to ten hours total. Now for the tests. They consist of 50 multiple choice questions, 25 of which will come from the lecture and 25 of which will come of the weekly online readings. There are no tricky questions as long as you show up to every class and ACTUALLY DO THE READINGS. Evans will sometimes point out facts that will be on the exams. A hint: do the readings before the first class of the week; any reference to any of those readings that they make during class has a 99.99% chance of showing up on the exam. My only gripe with the class was the reading. On average, you will have to read 75-150 pages per week, with some weeks falling short of that mark and others WAY overshooting it. It wasn’t the amount that bothered me; it was the uncertainty during exam time. As I said before 50% of the exam comes from the readings, which means, by the time of the exam, you have around 200-300 pages of material from which 25 questions will be taken—and that shit is not double spaced. Evans will give you some of the reading questions in class, but even so, your left with at least 15 questions that you hope to God you will remember when comes the exam. Add to this the fact that all the readings are on different topics, written by different people, with no unifying, underlying theme, and you get a student’s worst nightmare. I did well on that part of the exam only because I took meticulous notes when reading. Or because I’m a damn good guesser. Probably a bit of both. Anyway, that’s the class, hoped this helped, good luck.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Nov 2011
He presents one of the most complex subjects of our time in a clear, outlined, and simple manner. This class was a highlight of my college experience.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Feb 2012
Mr. Evans isn't a bad guy, but has no business teaching students the course univ 333. He talks as if he were speaking to elementary students and repeats himself over and over again. He presents the material in no specific or organized manner so it's hard to connect the various ideas and concepts to one another. The curriculum is very interesting and intriguing but almost impossible to fully understand because of mr Evans' poor teaching techniques. I honestly learned the most when he would just play a documentary or video. Finally some of his class policies are ridiculous, he penalizes students for showing up more then a minute late which actually discourages peo

General Ed
Jun 2012
I took Evans for POLS 333 (also listed in the catalogue as UNIV 333). The class was relatively interesting, and Evans really enjoys teaching the class so that usually makes it easy enough to pay attention. The class is titled "World Food Systems," and that generally is the focus of the class, but be forewarned that the majority of the curriculum is based on the notions eco-friendliness and organically grown food. I generally don't subscribe to this sort of thing, but it was interesting to be able to get some more insight into those viewpoints, and honestly it did make me more conscious of a lot of things - even if it didn't change the way I live. For my section, there were three tests (including the final), all of equal length (50 questions, 1 hour long) and one "project" at the end of the class. The tests were pretty hard, you have to take good notes, and do ALL the readings. Focus on facts and numbers when readings. There are 25 questions from the readings, and 25 questions from the lecture. He usually gives about 15-25% of the exam questions away in class by hinting VERY strongly about them. So that's helpful. The project at the end was just two short papers that were really easy, and essentially a free A. Both my friend and I both got 100% on them. We both managed to an A, so it's obviously doable.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Oct 2013
Ok, this teacher is kind of a dick. He always has this smile on his face, which initially gives the impression he's a nice guy, but he's actually just mocking you. I'm taking his class right now and it is probably the most unorganized, boring class I have ever taken in all my years at Poly. He assigns a good amount of reading material, some of which you wonder how it relates to the class at all. Also, his lectures are so scattered. He goes back and forth between topics...very hard to follow. He doesn't put his lectures online either which is really annoying because if you missed something, you're screwed. I really thought this class was going to be really interesting, but it was quite the disappointment. I definitely wouldn't recommend it. This class is a huge waste of time.

Dec 2013
The most powerful, insightful, eye opening class ever taken at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. If you are not open minded do not take this class. You do not deserve to be lectured on ways to change this world. People with strong moral and ethical character take this class. You will understand the way the world truly is and how you can deal with it or change it. The tests are fair. Go to class and read the readings. You will get the grade you deserve.

General Ed
Dec 2013
This was by far the most interesting class I have ever taken. I loved Dr. Evans. There was a lot of reading. Note taking during class is crucial. He goes through slides kind of fast and does not post them after the lecture. Take this class with friends so you can share notes. Everything he teaches is very mind opening and changes your perspective on how you interact with the world. He reminds me of the little old man from Up.

General Ed
Jan 2014
I was initially really excited to take this class, but ended up dreading having to go to it twice a week. The subject matter is actually extremely interesting, but his lecturing style, the amount of reading he assigned, and the way he wrote his tests were all absolutely ridiculous and ineffective. We typically had 100+ pages of reading per week, which makes it 300-400 pages of reading covered for a test. His test questions on the readings would ask for the smallest details, with very few asking about the themes that tied into the lecture, so even if you made it through all of the readings and took notes on them you weren't even guaranteed to get the questions right. But what really killed this class for me was the way he lectures. He almost seems to fancy himself a philosopher of sorts (you'll spend many lectures writing down more quotes than actual information) and presents everything he says as THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO EVER BE SAID BY ANYONE. Not only does it get obnoxious after the first lecture, but his "every-single-thing-I-say-is-incredibly-important" vibe and scattered presentations can make it difficult to follow along with what he's saying and write everything down (he doesn't post powerpoints either). He presents a bunch of case studies of projects he's done or helped with, but it was a gamble as to which ones he might actually ask about on the test. I somehow got an A in the class, but I really think that it was only because the subject matter was stuff the I typically find really interesting and read about on my own. If the subject doesn't sound interesting to you and you want an easy A, don't take this class. And if listening to very liberal views be presented as facts (I agreed with him on most things and still thought it was ridiculous) for four hours a week doesn't sound appealing, then definitely don't take this class.

Jun 2014
This was by far the worst class I have ever taken at Cal Poly. I cannot describe in words how awful this professor is. He is such an ignorant one sided fool, it takes my breath away. THE BASTARD WAS PUT ON BILL O'REILLY FOR PIN HEAD OF THE WEEK! Buck is reported saying that he believes that Osama Bin Ladin was a freedom fighter. Additionally he makes sure to never post anything online, so you have to listen to his arrogant one-sided views for 4 hours a week. If you don't you will surely miss a large portion of the test. Cal Poly needs to get rid of this teacher asap.

General Ed
Jun 2014
Ok, before I address my views on Professor Evans, I must first address the comments directly below. First of all, Dr. Evans is not asserting that Osama Bin Laden was a freedom fighter. In fact, he only addressed Osama Bin Laden in response to the criticism he received by one of my fellow classmates. Second, even if Dr. Evans is politically biased, he has the full rights to teach according to his beliefs. If you do not like that, then do not take this class. There are other Area F options available. Therefore, if you still are deliberating on whether or not to take this class, then make sure that you are alright with anti-GMO lessons. Even if you fully support using GMOs, I think it is still wise to take a class that challenges your beliefs. Now, with my own experiences in this class. It is crucial that you complete the readings and take detailed notes. The midterms and the final are based off of quotes and percentages/statistics. Although there are some questions asking for the big picture, the tests are predominantly detail-oriented. It is also important that you come to class regularly. Not only should you come to class, but you need to take good notes. He can be difficult to follow since his lectures are unorganized and fast-paced. With that being said, I suggest that you bring your laptop and record an audio of his lecture to help you write anything you might have missed in class. Although this class was very hard, it was one of the most eye-opening and interesting classes I have taken at Cal Poly so far. It is by no means an "easy A" but is intellectually challenging. You should take this class if you are serious about keeping up with the workload.

POLS 339

General Ed
Mar 2007
Review of UNIV 339-His lectures are almost useless, he tries really hard to make poignant political statements but it doesn't work if you just requote what someless has already said using dramatic pauses. If you can stand the tone of his voice and the way he talks and walks back and forth during his lecture like he is the epitome of a college professor than he is the guy for you.

General Ed
Mar 2009
UNIV 339 was the worst class I have ever taken. The only professor who had a minute idea of how to teach the information was Bill Turner, who is a fire chief and not even a professor. Evans is absolutely obnoxious and has no idea what he is teaching, let alone how to portray the information. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

AG 350

Mar 2016
Evans is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. I took him my last quarter before graduation for the Global Environment, for an environmental studies minor. Of all of my 4 years at Cal Poly, Evans was the complete worst professor I have ever had. He is condescending to students that ask questions, rushes through powerpoint slides so no one can follow, he doesn't post the slides online so if you can't keep up with typing/writing as fast as you can you'll be screwed, and half the stuff on his slides are way too biased. He is closed minded and quite simply a jerk. There is no rhyme or reason to the order of his slides and the material makes no sense. My only advice is to memorize the quotes he puts on the presentations and try to read the hundreds of pages he assigns. Avoid Evans at all costs.

POLS 350

General Ed
Jul 2010
Bud Evans was possibly the most annoying professor I\'ve ever had. Not only did his \"ums\" completely ruin ANYTHING he said, but he was not interested in hearing any other side of an argument. I tried talking to him one on one a few times about various topics, and he completely shut me down, but did so with a smile so I couldn\'t really argue back. I once counted how many times he said the word \"UM\" or \"UH\" and it was 130 in 13 minutes. Its hard to take a professor like that seriously. Try to avoid...

General Ed
Dec 2010
I truly enjoyed UNIV 350 with evans and preston. The class was very entertaining and I felt it had a lot of useful information. However, they assigned way too much reading for tests. I would read everything but then on the multiple choice tests they would ask a very detail oriented question about the readings instead of asking more about the main points of the reading. I took it to fulfill my area F requirement and worked very hard to get a C, which I was ok with because I honestly thought I might have to retake it. The class has 3 tests, each worth about 25% of your grade, and 2 projects worth the rest. The projects are pretty easy as long as you put some effort in, but the tests are super hard.

General Ed
Dec 2010
I truly enjoyed UNIV 350 with evans and preston. The class was very entertaining and I felt it had a lot of useful information. However, they assigned way too much reading for tests. I would read everything but then on the multiple choice tests they would ask a very detail oriented question about the readings instead of asking more about the main points of the reading. I took it to fulfill my area F requirement and worked very hard to get a C, which I was ok with because I honestly thought I might have to retake it. The class has 3 tests, each worth about 25% of your grade, and 2 projects worth the rest. The projects are pretty easy as long as you put some effort in, but the tests are super hard.

General Ed
Dec 2011
This is a review for Univ 350. Dr. Evans is one of the worst teachers I've had at Cal Poly. The content of this class was interesting but they way he presented it was horrible. He is extremely biased and just plain annoying. Univ 350 was co-taught by Dr. Preston and the only days I actually enjoyed the class were the days that Preston did most of the talking. Avoid Evans if you can.

General Ed
Dec 2011
Evans is kind of a dick, but I'm going to tell you how to pass this class. Insane reading load, so first day of the quarter, you send out a mass email to your class on blackboard and find some people will to divide up reading and take notes on it and exchange. YOU HAVE TO DO THE READING, or you are not going to pass, but save yourself the agony of doing it all and reviewing before tests. Slides/notes are not posted online, and you need to know them well because there are fill in the blanks on random shit from the notes, YOU HAVE TO KNOW THEM, but they move fast through them, so make a friend in class, and if there is a long list or quote on the slide, have you friend start at the bottom, and you start at the top, so when they change the slide you can look at each other's notes and get it all. As annoying as it is, know statistics from the notes and know countries (you'll be pissed on the test when you can't remember if it was iraq or iran). Stats from the book not so important, but you definitely need to have good notes on the reading. Bill Preston, the co-prof, was a nice guy, Evans is an a hole but the class is actually really really interesting. The two black board assignments are crucial too, look at their grading rubric really carefully, they are not lying when they say they will take 6 points off for word count, 4 points off for every incomplete answer/question, and on a 50 point assignment, that adds up!!!

General Ed
Nov 2012
The homework load is not to bad, there are only 2 projects the entire quarter and then three tests. However the amount that you need to study for these tests well than makes up for it! It is ridiculous how much you have to study and then you may not pass still. Prof. Evans cannot answer students questions very well and always has a condescending smile on his face while talking. If Preston were the only one teaching this class the average would be much higher, right now it is only a 75. DO NOT take Evans if you have the choice. Also if you find filler words distracting he is not the prof. for you (his favorite words seem to include um, er, and uh)Find another Area F class! Your GPA depends on it!!!

General Ed
Dec 2012
Evans (and preston) is the absolute worst test writer I have ever encountered.I learned a HUGE amount of information in this class. Overall, for the amount of information I learned and retained regarding this subject my grade does not justify my knowledge of the subject what so ever. The portion of the tests that are on the lecture are acceptable and adequately test what you really learned in class. The reading portion of the test, however, is completely random and you have no clue what to expect because of the 250+ pages of reading that are covered. The tests are way too long, and you start to fall asleep by the end. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS FOR YOUR AREA F!!!!!!!!!

General Ed
Jan 2013
This class (Univ 350 Global Environment) fulfilled a technology F requirement. Out of all my classes, this was the most difficult. The tests are very tough to study for and completely random. The lectures are terribly biased, inaccurate, and at times quite outdated. Evans did not bother to update his information from ten years ago. Evans does not work with his students, and it may be that his attitude is this way because he has been teaching so long he is practically untouchable. Also, note that Evans NEVER will post lectures online so if you miss anything you are in trouble. The tests are almost impossible to study for, but it helps if you take notes on the short videos he shows and memorize what quotes are from what famous speaker. The only saving grace of this class is that the two online assignments are very easy.

General Ed
Mar 2015
I'm a A-/B+ student and this class ruined me. I'm an Animal Science major, and I was raised in a conservative household. I've broadened by views since that time, but Evans is an insane person. He drills into you have oligarchies are all there is, power corrupts, and that governments/people in charge cannot be trusted. He gave insane facts in class, which my biology classes have taught me to look into how these facts are actually calculated. He said "it takes the force 20,000,000 human slaves to sustain your lifestyle for a year". This obviously makes no logical sense in the scientific field, I asked in class how they came to that number. He didn't know. I went to office hours and asked after the test, he still didn't know. This is what your getting into. Insane facts with no scientific backing. Now for his tests, some questions, specifically the ecological ones are so broad it makes me feel dumb. For example, Adaptations, Mimicry, Population curves, and genetic drift were all discussed in the context of: Evolution...duh. But then the political science question were INSANE! So and so said this ".." then you have to finish the quote. Or remember obscure number or facts. Completely different from the ecological questions, which I KNOW! His class is extremely bias, if you want to see what your getting into, google "Evans Bill O'Reily Pinnhead of the Week". Because that's our professor. To end things, when arguing with him about the basis of his facts, and how it's hard for me to study them when I don't believe they are true he told me "You should believe everything I say is correct, because I'm getting paid to tell you these things."

Required (Support)
Apr 2015
If you are doing an environmental studies minor do not take both POLS 333 and POLS 350 because it is literally the same material, like same slides. I basically paid twice for the same class. Is that even allowed?? But the class itself is pretty boring with "Bud" presenting ridiculous claims with almost zero evidence. He is rude to students who ask questions. And worst of all is that every time he says anything, rhe like raises his arms and dramatically pauses. Which makes it really hard to pay attention to anything he says as it is so annoying.

POLS 360

General Ed
Mar 2005
Doctor Evans is a great instructor and his class is straightforward and fun. He uses interesting examples and videos to support different global issues that will one day or already does impact our world. I learned more in this class than any other class I have taken at poly and actually looked forward to going. Take this class if you want to be amazed!

RELS 606

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2016
What else is there to say? Fine person, nothing interesting. Class was meh... Blah, blah, blah... Fine person.