Elrod, Susan  

Biological Sciences


13 evaluations

BIO 221

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
Let me give you some advice on how NOT to fail. Elrods lectures are very organized and interesting. Do not slack-off. Download the lectures off of blackboard and follow along. She provides study guides, do them. The lectures just skim over the information, make sure you read and really understand the concepts for for the test (read the book). I would recommend putting a lot of energy into this class. I slacked-off in lecture and put all my energy into the lab...it bit me in the ass.

MCRO 221

Required (Support)
May 2000
She is a knowledgable professor, but seems to think that we are all a bunch of second graders. The class is an OK course overall, but her attitude makes it hard to deal with her. The class is not that hard, keep up with the reading and study the handouts. Also, people that went into her office hour seemed to like her better than those who did not, so maybe give that a try.

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
Micro 221 was by far the hardest course I have taken at Poly. She is very organized, and prepared, but I thought she use a very illogical order, and made it hard for me to follow. I think many others felt the same. Her test questions are much more specific and difficult than I expected.

Required (Support)
Aug 2001
This professor was from OK to great. Basically, just memorize all the things in the objective list that she provides on the WEB and you'll do great. The objective lists all the things on the tests and her essay questions. Do that and this class is REALLY easy to get an "A."

Required (Major)
May 2002
I really like the lecture part of this class. It was very interesting to me. The lab can be somewhat of a pain, though. She was friendly and tried to help. She presented the material well, and she brought in recent articles about microbiology that were interesting. The worst part of this class was definitely the lab. There are two labs twice a week, and we usually stayed the full three hours. I got so burned out from the labs that it was hard to focus on the lecture.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
This class went over the very basics of microbiology. Dr. Elrod presented the material thoroughly and it was very easy to understand. I would have aced the class, except the lab brought me down. Good class overall

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
First off, Dr. Elrod is a really nice person and is very approachable and down to earth. This micro class is easy and should be a peace of cake for someone who has taken bio 151, biochem, metabolism and molecular bio but that wasn't the case. They simplify the material so much that it's totally confusing. I bombed the first exam and had to work my ass off to get a B in the class. Not cool. Elrod is a good professor but I'd take 224 if I had to do it again. I heard it's not much harder but is taught at a higher level.

MCRO 222

Aug 2001
An all around great teacher. she is very patient, has a great sense of humor, and is very knowledge of the subject matter. the tests are a little tedious, though.

BMED 232

General Ed
Nov 2016
During this entire quarter all I could think about was how this professor reminded me of that small little dog that runs through the back of scene 23 in The Incredibles by Pixar. Seriously, if you look it up you will only be able to see it...

BIO 351

Required (Major)
Jan 2004
I really liked Dr. E. Her power point presentations were a lot less boring than the average teacher's. We got tested a lot, a quiz on every reading assignment and 5 tests. On one hand that felt way over done, on the other, you had to stay on top of the material and one bad day was a lot less likely to help you. She's eaily approachable and knows all her students by name. The book was actually very good, one of the first times that's happened for me. I dont' know what else she teaches, but she's very good with genetics.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
This is a difficult class, and there's no getting around that. No matter what professor you have. She can at least explain material clearly and really make you think. But its a study everyday (7 days a week) type of class.

Mar 2005
This is an extensive class. There is a ton of material to cover and Dr. Elrod covers the material well always being well prepared for lecture. I would recommend Dr. Elrod to anybody who has to take this class. To prepare for the tests there is are chapter outlines and chapter objectives. The reading quizzes are also useful so take them, even more then the 8 required.

BIO 375

Sep 2003
She is the most hopeless professor I have had. Please avoid her if you can. She does n't want to give any body good grade. I think she got her degrees with too much difficulties.