Draze, Michael  

City and Regional Planning


2 evaluations

ARCH 419

5th Year Senior
Nov 2016
This is the first C I have recieved in my entire life. I hope that says something to all of you out there watching their GPA. Do not take him--this class was a nightmare!

CRP 430

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Mar 2007
Unfortunately, if you're a planning student you are required to take this course, and you might end up with Draze. I am sorry. He is not a teacher. The class essentially consisted of random bits of advice on working in a public planning agency, as well as a quarter-long assignment to create a Planning Commission staff report. He did not provide clear requirements or even an assignment handout to make expectations clear, and very little guidance was provided on a topic that most students have little or no experience in. The final exam was based on the reading of a book on which he did not lecture and provided no guidance regarding what to focus on. Class time was often wasted by poor management and drawn-out, pointless "lectures" (a.k.a. disjointed stream of consciousness). All said, if you can avoid Draze, please do. This class might have been quite educational and useful with another professor.