Dickerson, Robert  



14 evaluations

MCRO 111

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit

PHYS 131

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Professor quickly jumped into material at start of class, left out all the boring stuff of each lab, and was very helpfull in finding the right way(s) to do a specific lab. Usually, it took only an hour and a half out of the 3 to do the lab. He doesn't require students to do a full written lab report, which is great! He never gives any S+, though. Only S or S- (these being the grades for the grading system for physics 131 labs). I highly recommend him.

Required (Support)
Apr 2000
Dickerson is a great guy to take for lab. He isnt all that exciting or anything, but does a great job with the experiments. He isnt worried about making you do a formal lab write up, but just wants you to understand the concepts. I thought the labs really helped to see what we talked about in lecture. His labs also never went more than an hour and a half or so. Definitely take him for lab if you want to simply and clearly understand the material.

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
This guy is completely inept, he should be retired.

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
Dickerson is a extremely boring teacher. One has wo work very very hard to to stay focus in his class. His voice just makes one sleep!!! If you don't mind reading and getting everything from the book, he is a good teacher fo U cuz his quiz and midterms aren't that hard, they are just from the HW.

PHYS 132

Required (Major)
Jun 1999
Dr. Dickerson's lectures are very boring. I had a lot of trouble concentrating, actually learning anything was impossible. Reading the book is the only way I learned, while his notes provided a little help. His homework grading, and homework quizes are fair. The quizes are right off the homework so as long as you do and understand it you're safe. But the midterms are much more difficult and the final is the worst. The midterms consists of work-out problems while the final asks riducously hard multiple choice questions, T/F and work out problems.

Required (Support)
Dec 1999
Read the book, all lectures, test and quizes come right from it. 'nuff said

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
Professor Dickerson's lectures are pretty entertaining. He does at least two or three demonstrations each class period. He will give hints on homework problems, and he usually winds up doing almost the entire problem. Professor Dickerson is EXTREMELY helpful (and approachable) during his office hours. There are two midterms, and homework is collected once a week or less. There won't be any surprises on the midterms, he is tough grader though. But if you fight for your points, you'll usually get them. I highly recommend this professor.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
This guy grades really hard on tests. If you make even one mistake on a problem, it could result in an entire letter grade drop. However, he curves the grades so that the average is around 70 percent, so as long as you do better than everyone else in the class you'll be okay. I actually got a C+ and a B on the midterms and ended up with an A in the class. The homework generally isn't too hard but it takes a long time. There are two midterms and a final. His teaching skills are okay, but he loses his train of thought sometimes, and has trouble writing on the chalk board because his hands shake (he's old). He does some demonstrations in class that are pretty cool. He definitely knows what he is talking about, but there may be easier professors out there.

Required (Support)
May 2001
Dickerson is actually a good teacher, just really slow and boring. He does usually a demonstration each class which is cool, but it can be hard to concentrate on the lecture. His first quiz is worth 10% of the course grade, and his midterms are much harder. He will mark you down for points if you do the whole problem right, but your answer is a digit different than his. The final is mostly hard multiple choice questions and 2 work-out problems.

Required (Support)
Jun 2001
This is the professor for insomniacs. Sometime in the middle of the quarter, I found it more productive not to goto class. If you take him, be prepared to work extra hard trying to focus on his lecture, extremely boring. Okay in his office hours. His tests and quizzes are pretty much just like the questions in the book, as long as you can do them, you'll do fine in the class.

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
this guy is easy and has a big C range, but good luck staying awake in class, i fell asleep almost ever fucking class...so so boring, but physics is really boring so what can you do about that...

Required (Support)
Aug 2002
I had a very hard time paying attention in his lecture. He did do examples on the board but they didn't help me much. He did one demonstration at every lecture which did get my attention however they seemed pretty pointless. Homework is not turned in. If you want a good grade keep up with the homework and ask questions about the homework problems. I didn't do either and got a C.

PHYS 133

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
great teacher if he wasnt sooo boring. presents stuff clearly as long as you can stay awake in the class.. i really dont like this teacher, since i found out that the class average was a little below a C. meaning that over half failed the class.