Clarkson, Anton  

Electrical Engineering


8 evaluations

CPE 169

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Clarkson is a pretty good lab instructor -- he is specific about what he wants on his lab reports, but after getting pounded once or twice, you get the picture. I don't think he ever gave anything lower than a C on a quiz, he doles out the partial credit even if you got the thing absolutely wrong. The labs weren't well coordinated with the lecture sections -- there was a two-week gap, which was good when we got to it in lecture, we were ahead, but bad when we got to it in lab, since we had no idea what to do. Three quizzes, 9 labs, and nothing else -- no lab final or prelab to do, and he is quite personable. Good choice for Digital Design Lab

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Labs were graded easily, my group rarely got below an A, quizzes were very straightforward although it pays to REALLY know the theory behind each and every lab before taking them because they require some small amount of thought. Anton is skilled at communicating the concepts neccessary to complete the lab efficiently and effectively. Though CPE 169 Labs can be long, they were rarely too confusing.

Required (Support)
Mar 2005
Like us, Anton already knows how misreable we are just going to lab. However, he's VERY helpful when you need it and striaghtfoward to try to make you understand. However, he tends to be difficult to understand during his lectures before classes. Other than that, you can always come to him when you have problems with CPE 129.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
A very good teacher who can get the information across precisely and clearly in the lab. Very easy to talk to and easy going. Helps you out a lot if you need it and explains and clarifies any subject matter you need help with. Labs are pretty easy too. A few that take the whole period but not too difficult, just time consuming. Other than that, he's a good instructor to have for lab

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
I highly recommend Clarkson for lab. The class was late at night but he was able to get us through the class while learning the material effectively. Often I was introduced to and confused by what was introduced in lecture, but came to clearly understand it in lab with Anton. Labs are graded fairly and quizzes are reasonable. He has extra office hours during finals week where he's willing to help you with the lecture class, but I didn't take advantage of them. I learned a lot in this class. Take Clarkson.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Anton is a great lab instructor. Lab was very interesting and he was always willing to explain and clearly answer any questions.

Required (Major)
Jun 2005
He's very helpful, will teach you shortcuts for the programs, and grades really easy on the lab reports. If all requirements are fulfilled, you'll get the 70 possible, but you'll rarely get more than 26/30 on your conclusion.

AGB 214

Graduate Student
Nov 2016
Fine teacher, but a little dry in the presentation. I wouldnt suggest having her at 8:00 in the morning, might be difficult staying awake.